Results for: sign up to vote

Ernst on Keystone: “Will [Obama] Sign the Bill, or Block Good American Jobs?”…e-will-he-sign-the-bill-or-block-good-american-jobs-n1946095
– Because they showed me that you don’t need to come from wealth or privilege to make a difference. … She emphasized bringing the Keystone XL Pipeline once again up for a vote -- an initiative, she argued, that will create “thousands … “President Obama will soon have a decision to make,” she exclaimed. “Will he sign the bill, or block good American jobs?”…
GOP Double-Crossing Traitors
– "elect a new Senate (that) will stand up to the president." … When do you start standing up to the president? Hello? Hell-oooo? … Even people vaguely supportive of not hounding illegal aliens out of the country didn't sign up to open the U.S.…
Kansas Secretary of State: Illegal Aliens Registering to Vote is a Massive Problem Nationwide…mnesy-may-give-millions-of-illegals-ability-to-vote-n1956644
– millions of non-citizens obtaining the ability to vote in U.S. elections.  … Husted sent a letter to President Obama in January asking for the ability to access up-to-date and accurate Social Security number … These are irreversible consequences, because once an alien registers to vote, it is virtually impossible to detect him and remove him…
Antidote to Obamacare
– In recognition of the February 15 deadline to sign up for health insurance, or else the I.R.S. will come knocking on your door, here … How many Republican bills never got out of committee and came up for a vote in the House while the Democrats were in control is inumerable … then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to proclaim, “We have to pass the bill to find out what is in it,”a cry of weak political leadership and…
Will the GOP Capitulate Again?
– With fast track, Congress gives up its right to amend trade treaties, and agrees to restrict itself to a yea or nay vote. … Yet when one looks back on the devastation wrought by free trade, how can a party that purports to put America first sign on to fast … Was the national vote to give Republicans majorities in Congress unseen since 1946 a vote to have the GOP turn over all power to write…
Scott Walker Pledges to Sign Controversial Pro-life Bill
– The governor avoided giving a straight answer and ultimately said it was up to the courts to decide what to do about abortion rights … Congress failed to take up this legislation for a vote in January after a few Republicans such as Rep. … With this new bold proclamation, Walker is proving he has what it takes to stand up for the unborn.…
Medical Marijuana Bill Lost in Smoke
– Last week, three senators proposed a measure to clean up the federal-state medical marijuana mess once and for all. Sens. … Will Grassley allow the bill to come to a vote? … Which leads to my final question: Would President Barack Obama sign the CARERS Act?…
Tom Cotton: The Most Powerful Man in Washington
– Cotton rounded up 46 other Republican senators in Washington to sign a letter to Iran. … The constitution requires a two-thirds vote for any treaty to be ratified. … What is really happening is the Democrats were attempting to allow Iran to build up a nuclear program without anyone noticing.…
California Stupid
– Two columns per week for a few years adds up to a lot of columns, a lot of words. And I tend to run long because, well, I can. … On the night of the final vote for the flag-funding bill in the SGA, students lined up for hours to express their opposition to the … the hand of someone they’re giving a pen to so they can sign a petition condemning America is the closest they come to a date.…
Time to Kill the Death Tax
– House of Representatives may soon vote to kill the death tax. … There are five reasons to hold a vote now to end the death tax: One, polling over the years shows that 70 percent of Americans … The death tax rates have gone up and down, the exemption has gone up and down but such changes always ended up allowing the tax to
Hillary Just Avoided The 'Pepsi Throwback' Of Presidential Primaries…s-to-hillary-brings-flashbacks-of-the-1990s--mostly-n1973943
– So, does Clinton’s email flap mean Democrats are lining up to challenge her? … The question is whether enough Democrats will stand up -- stand up to corporate money and powerful interests and stand up for regular … Many on the left, like and Democracy for America are taking this as a sign that she could be swayed to run in 2016.…
Terrific: Iran Rejects Snap Inspections of Nuclear Sites, WH Dismisses 'Death to America' Rhetoric…ejects-snap-inspections-of-nuclear-sites-under-deal-n1975591
– It has remained essentially stalemated for a decade, however, in attempts to follow up on its suspicions. … They're already not living up to their end of existing bargains.   … Remember, if Netanyahu's domestic audience feels insufficiently listened to, they vote him out.  …
John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, And The Congress Ride Into A Box Canyon....…h-mcconnell-and-the-congress-ride-into-a-box-canyon-n1975244
– … One danger sign is the lack of a quick rebound from the 2007 to 2009 recession. … What to do? Glassman rounds up the GOP’s “usual suspects,” proposing to cut corporate tax rates and enhance free trade. … Time for Congress to take up closing the “Growth Gap.” Time for the presidential candidates to champion economic growth.…
You Blew It! Force People to Vote
To force people to vote goes directly against America’s founding principle of freedom. … Frankly, I think this is Obama’s and the Democrats’ way of getting more votes, since Democrats tend to vote less. … The fact that less than 65% of the registered voters vote is a good sign that things are going well in this country.…
Why Gov. Bullock's Plan to Expand Medicaid Is Wrong for Montanans…ocks-plan-to-expand-medicaid-is-wrong-for-montanans-n1981632
– In Virginia, Governor McAuliffe attempted to hold up the entire budget for the state of Virginia over the expansion, against the clear … bill will fail, and instead force it to the floor for a vote. … He came up short once again when he failed to find enough signatures to qualify.…
White House: Democrats Criticizing Iran Deal Are "Principled" But Republicans Are Trying to Sabatoge…rincipled-but-republicans-are-trying-to-kill-a-deal-n1981429
– enough votes to override a deal should the President sign one at the end of June.  … Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our Constitution—the power to make binding international agreements … rules, effectively means a three-fifths vote in the Senate).…
Corn, Scorn and Policy Porn
– Quoth Toomey: "It drives up gas prices, increases food costs, damages car engines and is harmful to the environment." … But will Congress vote to kill the program? And if so, will President Barack Obama, a longtime ethanol booster, sign the bill? … 2005 to 13.9 billion gallons in 2011, according to the Manhattan Institute.…
Justice Ginsburg: Yeah, I Would Support Changing The Electoral College…yeah-i-would-support-changing-the-electoral-college-n2282961
– Only about a third of the Senate senates were up this cycle, hardly an accurate gauge in the nonsensical quest to find some mathematical … to proceed due to the recount/run-off scenarios, which would be chaotic. … most of the vote.…
The Circus Just Arrived -- at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
– Oh yeah, he decided to bring up that tidbit ... at the National Prayer Breakfast.         … He can call journalists dishonest if he wants, and his top advisor Steve Bannon can tell them to "shut up," but they're not going to … shut up and they're not going to be intimidated by this president.…
Key Trump Nominees Face Unified Democratic Opposition, But One Red State Democrat Is 'Open' To Gorsuch…ination-but-one-red-state-democrats-open-to-gorsuch-n2282337
– Jeff Sessions (R-AL) nominating for attorney general was scheduled to come to a vote last week, but was postponed in order to have … Cortney added that Democrats plan to exhaust the remaining hours of their debate throughout the night, with a final vote to be held … The Senate is scheduled to continue confirming Trump’s Cabinet nominees this week, with a vote scheduled for Tuesday to approve Betsy…
Time for Deplorables to Boycott Hollywood
– Of course, they lied and continue to pollute the airwaves here in America. … At the crazy Women’s March on January 21, hundreds of thousands of people converged on Washington D.C. to hear from washed up stars … It is time for the backlash of Trump supporters to begin and for millions of Americans to say to Hollywood, “enough is enough.” …
GOP’s Hold On White Working Class Traps Liberals With An Electoral College Nightmare (Even With Favorable Demographic Shifts)…laim-rural-america-and-that-looks-like-a-tall-order-n2273643
– The day after the election, Democrats woke up to a party that had lost most rural areas of the country, leaving behind a map that today … Yes, Obama never won white working class voters, but he was able to prevent the dam from breaking, which was the GOP running up the … If Trump fails to deliver on key areas, like immigration, tax reform, trade, and job creation, they’ll easily vote him out.…
The Left & Fake Hate Crimes: Liberalism Hits a New Low
– This was meant to make Trumps supporters look bad, but it backfired.  She made it up.  … the made-up narrative they spout turns out to be untrue, they just...make stuff up.  … This man confessed to making it up, dropped his suit, and disappeared.…
The New Party of No
to them and not enough to their critics. … Polls indicate about half the country wants the wall to go up.         … They're not going to vote for Republicans in 2018 or 2020.…
Is the Left Playing with Fire Again?
To those who lived through that era that tore us apart in the '60s and '70s, it is starting to look like "deja vu all over again." … the hell-raisers, hoping to ride their energy to victory.         … "There is no point in telling Negroes to obey the law," said Bobby; to the Negro, "the law is the enemy."…
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