Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Dysfunction: Is Congress Getting Ready to Punt With a Short-term, Irresponsible DACA Deal?
– Some senators are already deriding a yearlong patch as “misguided,” a “Plan Z” and a proposal that would keep immigrants “in fear.” … Both sides are to blame.   … ) arguing against any amnesty for DACA-eligible illegal immigrants.  …
Guns and Abortion: Two Issues on Which the Media's Worst Biases Are Exposed…extremism-on-guns-and-abortion-reveals-deep-biases-n2452421
– That the shocking and atrocious details of mass murders are appealing to enlightened empathizers, but are basically ignored or even … committed by people with illegal firearms, not legal gun owners).   … immigrants' abortions, it hardly registers a blip.  …
Amazing New Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings!
– (The New York Times never mentioned that he was the child of Lebanese immigrants. … We are only counting mass shootings since 2000 that left at least four people dead. … I know we've been admitting Third World immigrants at a breakneck pace, but I don't think immigrants make up nearly half the population…
5 Troubling Lessons For America From Ancient Rome
– Here in America, we are now starting to see politically-motivated violence. … Are our politicians the best among us? … As we saw with Hillary Clinton and with illegal aliens, if you are politically powerful enough or part of a catered-to group, the laws…
California Continues to Steamroll Its Citizens’ Rights by Appointing an Illegal Alien to a Statewide Post…by-appointing-an-illegal-alien-to-a-statewide-post-n2462039
– State—and an immigrants rights activist (read illegal immigrants rights activist) as a financial aid advisor.  … Translation: There are no shadows left in which illegal aliens are forced to live in California, and it is now time for them to take … Sanctuary cities—states, in the case of California—are the biggest threat to public safety in the illegal immigrant world.…
The Left Is Having a Meltdown Over Trump Admin's Citizenship Question on 2020 Census…wants-to-sue-trump-admin-over-citizenship-question-n2465066
– Including the question is not just a bad idea — it is illegal,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra wrote on Twitter.  … Including the question is not just a bad idea - it is illegal: — Xavier Becerra (@AGBecerra) March 27, 2018 … drawn to how government funds are distributed.…
Pope Francis Chides Pro-Life Christians, Those Who Do Not Embrace 'Migrants'…o-life-christians-those-who-do-not-embrace-migrants-n2469177
– Francis also suggested that people who regard helping “migrants” as secondary in importance to stopping abortions are bad Christians … Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important matters, or the only thing that counts is one particular ethical issue … immigrants of today.…
Liberals' Reaction to the Census Citizenship Question Is Why We Should Push For It At All Costs…us-citizenship-question-is-why-we-should-push-for-i-n2466856
– Including the question is not just a bad idea — it is illegal,” read a Monday tweet from Becerra announcing the lawsuit.   … The fact is, illegal immigrants have always been reluctant to fill out U.S. … Illegal immigration isn’t a problem, don’t you know, because there are only 11 million of them and that’s apparently a really small…
Here Are the Republican Governors Who Betrayed Trump, and Their Constituents, by Asking for Refugee Resettlement in Their States…by-asking-for-refugee-resettlement-in-their-states-n2558981
– If not, too bad, because that’s exactly what it did, thanks to an astonishing level of guilt-induced moral preening from eighteen ( … “What we are witnessing is that a group of Republican governors (many of whom represent very red states) are rejecting Trump’s white … “We already have more than 20 million illegal immigrants living here,” Carlson said during his Friday segment on the issue.…
Mr. President, Here's How You Can 'Make America Even Greater'…esident-heres-how-you-can-make-america-even-greater-n2559354
– Here are a few to start with: -- Executive order to deport illegal aliens with criminal records. … More than 90 percent of the illegal immigrants arrested by federal agents last year had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges … New York and New Jersey just gave driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Nevada already did this.…
Maricopa County Assessor Resigns, Under Prosecution for Human Trafficking. But the Facts May Say Otherwise.…r-human-trafficking-but-the-facts-may-say-otherwise-n2561038
– But the women are allowed to be here without a visa; they’re not illegal immigrants. … Meanwhile, judges are approving his existing adoptions — if they’re illegal, then why are they getting approved? … Those types of crimes are generally piled on to create the appearance that a defendant is a really bad actor.…
How Do We Flatten the Curve on Panic?
– No alerts for the hundreds who die each day from car accidents, illegal aliens and suicide. … Unfortunately, most of the “scientists” they present to us are lawyers. … (“White” because AIDS cases among Haitian and African immigrants had a variety of causes.)…
Phyllis Schlafly As I Knew Her
– While these falsehoods aren't surprising coming from liberal Hollywood, they are disappointing nonetheless.  … called The Conservative Case for Trump in which she predicted he would appoint constitutionalist judges like Antonin Scalia, end bad … trade deals, and put a stop to the entry of illegal immigrants by securing our border. …
Pelosi’s $3 Trillion Omnibus: Democrats Just Sold You Out
– The Democrats are calling this a “jobs bill,” but the jobs they are talking about are government jobs. … Senate Republicans are trying to do this in a responsible way with a provision that would allow bad actors to still be held accountable … immigrants.…
Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants…sibility-to-provide-abortions-to-illegal-immigrants-n2550456
– Ilhan Omar that American taxpayers have a responsibility to fund abortions for illegal immigrants.   … Shouldn't Democrats be asked about specific provisions of similarly controversial new laws in Oregon (free abortions for illegal immigrants … border crossings, and virtually all of them backing taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants -- believe that their tax dollars…
New Poll Just Obliterated The Core Of The 2020 Democratic Agenda…poll-torches-the-core-of-the-2020-democratic-agenda-n2550443
– Sixty-seven percent are opposed to the Democratic plan to decriminalize illegal border crossings, with 47 percent of Democrats, 68 … immigrants a good idea/bad idea:Registered Voters: 32/62Democrats: 60/32Republicans: 6/93Independents: 27/67Moderate Democrats: 43 … Those who are pushing it, AOC, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders, make that quite clear.…
America: An Us vs. Them Country
– and Old Glory are already on sale on eBay. … Charles Blow in a column that uses "racist" or "racism" more than 30 times: Americans who do not concede that Trump is a racist -- are … More than that, "Some ... are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America."…
The Dangerous Democratic Politics of Distortion
– Often such intentional distortions are essentially benign. … Democrats and the mainstream media have decried the proper terms of "illegal alien" and "illegal immigrant" in favor of the inaccurate … Detention centers are those who illegally enter our country are processed, provided with food, shelter, medical care, and due process…
Democratic Dystopia: End Anglo-America, Welcome the World, Evict the Unborn…end-angloamerica-welcome-the-world-evict-the-unborn-n2551320
– "If we are going to solve the issue, pass the torch. If we are going to solve climate chaos, pass the torch. … Illegal crossing should be a civil-law infraction, never a criminal violation.   Immigrants are America, crowed Amy Klobuchar. … Immigrants are Americans, only better and more inspiring. “We want more refugees.”…
NAACP Shows Its Irrelevance by Recommending Trump's Impeachment…its-irrelevance-by-recommending-trumps-impeachment-n2551008
– Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said in 2011: "As the chair of the Black Caucus, I've got to tell you, we are always hesitant to criticize … More than in any other post-World War II recovery, people who have jobs are hurting: Their paychecks have fallen behind inflation." … are affected by the influx of immigrants.…
It's Time to Embrace the Police
– According to a Quinnipiac poll, 77% of Democrats believe that the police are “tougher on blacks” than they are on whites, and fewer … In fact, police shootings are down, and police are better-trained, more accountable, and more restrained in the use of force than ever … The 12 million illegal immigrants in this country should not be celebrated for their criminality. …
WATCH: AOC Ironically Explains Why Americans Need To Study History
– that bad at the border? … But to say illegal immigrants, who willingly broke the law and crossed into the United States, are enduring the same treatment as Jews … Illegal immigrants in detention centers came to the United States illegally. They made the choice to cross our border.…
Why Are College-educated Whites More Likely to Say Trump is Racist Than Non-college Educated Ones?…o-say-trump-is-racist-than-noncollege-educated-ones-n2551591
– Could it be that colleges are conditioning their students to hate Donald Trump? In my opinion, it’s no coincidence.  … directly for jobs against illegal immigrants. … against illegal immigration is policy-driven and not personal. …
No, ICE's Mississippi Raids Are Not an Outrage…e-mississippi-ice-raids-being-treated-as-an-outrage-n2551455
– Earlier this week, ICE conducted a sweep of illegal immigrants in Mississippi, arresting nearly 700 individuals.   … It's important to stipulate that the overwhelming majority of immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are not threats to the safety … Legal immigrants enhance the vibrancy and productivity of America's culture and economy, and most illegal immigrants simply want a…
Get Off the Sidelines: #StandWithICE
Are you sick of your neighborhoods being hijacked by law enforcement-bashing thugs who prioritize every last illegal immigrant over … Inside, illegal immigrants get free access to LexisNexis, dental services, a full-scale pharmacy, video games, pingpong tables and … Most of the people here are parents. We don't want bad things happening to people and children."…
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