Results for: agenda 47

Obama Vowed to Break GOP Fever - But Have They Broken His?
– tracking numbers certainly aren't good for him," said one House aide, pointing to surveys placing Obama's job approval rating at 47 … "His goal is to weaken the GOP so that he is in a better position to implement his agenda."…
Obama's Bloody Shirt
– precipitously — from 57 percent of Americans immediately after the shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school to just 47 … Senators in 13 states, who are unsupportive of the mayor’s and the president’s gun-grabbing agenda. … by the horrible school massacre in Newtown, but, simply put, Americans have not been rationally convinced that the gun control agenda
Shame On You, Terry McAuliffe
– “This is just another example of Ken Cuccinelli ignoring the economy and instead focusing on his divisive ideological agenda,” a McAuliffe … court moved to overturn the statute, the Attorney General was in the midst of prosecuting the case of William Scott MacDonald, a 47 … “This case is not about sexual orientation, but using current law to protect a 17 year-old girl from a 47 year-old sexual predator,…
The Middle Class
– lead: "President Barack Obama sharpened his focus on the economy Wednesday, looking to breathe new life into his second-term agenda … He is staring down the barrel of a second term that finds him stuck at 46 percent approval and 47 percent disapproval according to…
Famous Last Words
– It's estimated that $247 million in property taxes and fees went uncollected in 2012 from more than 150,000 (47%) of owners, mostly … I spoke with a Detroit based professor who informed me that 47% of the population was functionally illiterate. … During our dustup, I mentioned the city of Detroit as a glaring example of how the progressive agenda can destroy industry, family…
Ozone, Mo’Zone and NoZone
– Over 47 million are on food stamps. … But EPA has an agenda – and it pays the ALA (and other activist groups) millions of dollars annually to help it frighten people about … “worsening” air quality and “dangerous” pollution levels, to advance that agenda.…
Libertarian Populism and the GOP
– Critics of Mitt Romney's campaign often blame his infamous "47 percent" remarks on libertarian ideology -- specifically, Randianism … For Romney's "47 percent" remarks (which observers should note, tied the capacity for virtuous citizenship purely to paying taxes) … upper echelons of the 53 percent could utterly destroy their own fortune due to hubris and criminal behavior, thus ending up in the 47
Poll: Sanford, Colbert-Busch Tied on Special Election Eve
– Congressional District finds a race that's too close to call, with Republican Mark Sanford leading Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch 47 … reversal from PPP's poll of the race two weeks ago, when Colbert Busch led by 9 points at 50-41...A plurality of voters in the district- 47% … Republicans, Team Sanford nationalized the race, essentially arguing that a vote for Colbert-Busch is a vote for the Obama/Pelosi agenda
Reid’s Maneuver Sets Up Anti-Gun Measures for Quicker, Easier Passage…sets-up-antigun-measures-for-quicker-easier-passage-n1583235
– A procedural twist means the anti-gun rights agenda of President Barack Obama and the Democrats was not stopped when, April 17th, … When the Toomey-Manchin background checks amendment failed April 17th, 55-47, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. … times it is in regards to the motion to proceed, and the 60 vote-threshold is on closing floor debate, which then leads to the agenda
Barack Milhous Nixon
– who stand in the way of big government and the burdensome taxes that thousands of bureaucrats at the IRS gleefully exact from the 47 … the mainstream media and this administration strongly come against any group who did not align themselves with the President’s agenda
New Study Finds Media Bias in Gay Marriage Coverage
– Almost half (47%) of the nearly 500 stories studied from March 18 (a week prior to the Supreme Court hearings), through May 12, primarily … Reporting bias in the Pew study was 47% in favor to 9% opposed; that study registers present public support as 51% in favor to 42% … With this wealth and influence, it made sense for them to utilize media as the primary tool for advancing their agenda instead of orchestrating…
Obama's Midterm Report Card
– His agenda, if he has one to speak of, is going nowhere on Capitol Hill, and his party faces daunting challenges in next year's midterm … The Gallup Poll Thursday showed Obama is fast losing popular support here at home, too, with 47 percent saying they disapprove of … how he's running the country and 47 percent saying they like the way he is handling the nation's problems (who are these people?)…
Will the Time Come for Conservatives to be Thankful for Obama?…ime-come-for-conservatives-to-be-thankful-for-obama-n1734627
– And all of this happened while more and more people dropped out of the workforce and the food stamp program expanded to more than 47 … The first item on their agenda? Abolishing the carbon tax on the mining companies.…
So, How Do We Evil Tea Party Anarchists Win?
– The GOP’s agenda is now our agenda, no matter how much David Brooks and Jennifer Rubin whine. … There’s an infrastructure already built with considerable brand loyalty – hell, it ran Romney and still got 47% of the vote. … That assessment shows us that we do not have the raw power – yet – that we need to force through our agenda.…
Looking for a Different Sort of President
– After popular first terms and re-election, they seemed to have lost public confidence and the ability to continue an agenda. … Clinton was only 46 when he entered office, Obama just 47, and Jimmy Carter 52.…
How Mike Lee Is Changing The Republican Party
– Lee has been proselytizing for a “comprehensive anti-poverty, upward-mobility agenda” — making him one of the few Republican politicians … In particular, Lee's tax plan is a direct repudiation of Romney's individualist 47 percent line. … But Gerson goes, on to claim, "Lee's specific agenda ... is well within the broad tradition of ... compassionate conservatism."…
Reminder as Ferguson Tension Grows: Obama Marched With The Black Panthers
– In his book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, DOJ whistleblower and civil rights attorney J. … was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47
The Gruberization of Environmental Policies
– To get the results it needs, EPA cherry picks often questionable research that supports its agenda and ignores all other studies. … Nonprofit electricity cooperatives serve 42 million people in 47 states, across three-fourths of the nation’s land area.…
Friday Filibuster: The Cuba Libre Edition
– Closing Numbers: 51% of Americans say tough CIA interrogations on suspected terrorists after 9/11 were appropriate. 47% have … And the guy who outed Jonathan Gruber came forward to reveal another hidden agenda in Obamacare: It’s actually a $250 billion tax grab…
New Poll: Majority of Americans Open to Voting for Trump in 2020…t-of-americans-considering-voting-for-trump-in-2020-n2543722
– But if he were to inch up to where his new standard job approval is, say, 47 percent or so, that would be a big deal for electoral … with a number of potential challengers, according to a new Fox News poll: General election match-ups from new Fox News poll:Biden 47% … Alas, moving forward with a 'positive agenda,' or whatever, may be difficult when the party refuses to vote for the very agenda they…
What Trash: Progressive Group Accuses Larry Elder Of Making This Statement About Blacks And Slavery…accuses-larry-elder-of-making-this-statement-about-n2544540
– Twenty years later in 1960, that number had been cut to 47%. A 40 point drop in 20 years. … He doesn't follow the stereotypical liberal agenda.…
Building a Healthy Political System
– percent of voters believe the top leaders of federal regulatory agencies often use their position to pursue their own personal agenda … It's been 47 years since a majority of voters trusted the federal government.…
Lefty Commentator Just Threw Cold Water Over the Left’s Future Election Hopes…ss-is-going-to-kill-democrats-in-national-elections-n2595142
– In the national exit poll, Hispanic voters were split close to evenly about BLM, 47 percent unfavorable to 49 percent favorable. … The Democrats might get off the ‘woke’ wagon and focus on an agenda that—shocker—is popular with voters. … since it’s apparent that many, if not all, think that a nonwhite American is a slam-dunk voter for the Democratic Party and liberal agenda
CNN Continues to Warn About the Dangers of Bad Poll Numbers for Biden…arn-about-the-dangers-of-bad-poll-numbers-for-biden-n2596512
– Further, 49 percent have an unfavorable view of Biden, while 47 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump. … trillion infrastructure bill and a $3.5 trillion budget bill, which, taken together, form the crux of Biden's entire first-term agenda
Americans Say GOP Better Than Dems for Security, Prosperity as Biden Flounders…preferred-party-for-prosperity-and-security-gallup-n2597033
– following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and persistent inflation amid Democrats' inability to pass a domestic spending agenda … most important problem (from 42% to 31%), at keeping the nation secure (from 43% to 31%) and at keeping the nation prosperous (from 47%…
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