Results for: abortion pregnancy

Watch: Ben Shapiro Explains To Progressives How ‘A Bundle of Cells’ Is Really A Human Being; They Ignore Him…w-a-clump-of-cells-is-really-a-baby-they-ignore-him-n2140919
– disingenuous conclusion that a woman’s life holds more value than that of her child barring any life threatening conditions, or the pro-abortion … After going back and forth about the science relating to pregnancy, it becomes clear that the pro-choice wing of the attendees in the … “I believe, as do most people who feel this way about abortion, that life begins at conception.…
Lawmakers Ask House Appropriations Committee to End Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood…s-for-end-to-taxpayer-funding-of-planned-parenthood-n2138713
– The latest Planned Parenthood report further underscored how much priority it places on the lucrative service of abortion. … The Labor-HHS appropriations bill would be more effective if it had pro-life pregnancy centers in mind, she and Roby argue. … "Taxpayer dollars should not flow to the nation’s largest abortion provider," said Rep. Roby.…
Are the Unborn “Less than Human”?
– These two decisions combined (January 22, 1973) give us abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. … It took a lot of semantic gymnastics to get abortion accepted in America. … Wade, the pro-abortion majority noted that there were various views as to “when life begins.”…
What Left-Wing Abortion Extremism?
– Ten percent said the woman who has the abortion. … In fact, most Americans, while opposing a total ban on abortion, find late-term abortion morally objectionable and want it outlawed … three months of pregnancy," and 80 percent said it should be "illegal in the last three months of pregnancy."…
While Cruz Trounced Trump In Wisconsin, Conservatives Clinched Another Critical Badger Win Last Night
– use, homosexuality, AIDS-producing sex, adultery and murder and are therefore a bad person, or you didn't know that he supports abortion … Calling Clinton a murderer because of his support for abortion rights, she wrote that anyone who voted for him was "obviously immoral … the Freedom of Choice Act, which will allow women to mutilate and dismember their helpless children through their ninth month of pregnancy
Abortion in Our Whacked-Out Era
– protect unborn life and 2) Hillary Clinton got in trouble for insinuating that "life" was an issue at all when a woman wanted an abortion … The Washington Times notes Planned Parenthood's strong preference for "embryo," "fetus," and "the pregnancy." … With regard to abortion, we're getting there accidentally, sideways, half an inch at a time.…
Prediction Time: What Will Donald Trump's Seventh Abortion Stance Be?
– Question for the gallery: What is Donald Trump's position on abortion? Don't bother asking him; he doesn't know. … upbringing as part of the reason that he wouldn't sign a bill doing away with the gruesome practice of late-term, partial-birth abortion … I'll leave you with Hillary Clinton -- who supports unfettered elective abortion-on-demand, funded by taxpayers, at every stage of…
Lock Out the Establishment in Cleveland!
– Then there was Trump's suggestion, instantly withdrawn, that if abortion is outlawed, then women who undergo abortions may face some … Democrats do not care a hoot about the right to life of unborn babies, even unto the ninth month of pregnancy.…
Abortion and the Presidential Front-Runners
– A Planned Parenthood executive in Illinois criticized the candidate for “further stigmatiz[ing] abortion.” … Remarkably, even two-thirds of pro-choice respondents agreed that in the first three months of a pregnancy, abortion should be “allowed … Ultimately, there’s an important difference between what Trump and Clinton said about abortion.…
I Will Raise Your Baby, Queline – Let Her Live
– A woman named Queline (short for Jaqueline), wrote, “I will terminate a pregnancy soon. These things aren’t fun or easy.” … But my first child died in abortion.…
TV Shows its Conservative Side on Abortion Issue
– Planned Parenthood advises that activists don't say "abort a child," preferring "terminate a pregnancy" or some such. … That way she can claim that people who are against abortion-on-demand are against "women's health." … And so it is with abortion.…
36 Reasons to Stop Me Before I Tweet Again
– there's Rachel Dolezal. 29) The "extremists" are Clinton and Sanders who, when asked, wouldn't/couldn't say when -- if ever -- a pregnancy … has gone too far for an abortion. 30) Martin Sheen is working on a documentary to "prove" O.J. was innocent.…
Categorizing Women Who Seek Abortions as Criminals is not Pro-Woman…men-who-seek-abortions-as-criminals-is-not-prowoman-n2147569
– They are a small sample of the millions of women who suffer in silence from the pain of abortion. … Women who choose abortion often do so in desperation, and then deeply regret such a decision. … , as well as a culture of life where no woman wants or feels pressured into an abortion.…
Donald Trump Is Clueless on Abortion – But So Are Many Americans
– on abortion. … Instead, when we are on campus, we plainly ask students whether or not they support legal abortion or how long into a pregnancy they … It centers around the belief that abortion is the taking of innocent life and that abortion is not acceptable at any point in the pregnancy
ICYMI: Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards Mocked Pro-Life Student At Georgetown…ecile-richards-mocked-prolife-student-at-georgetown-n2153994
– Of course, the April 20 venue was not open to everyone, just a select few–and all of them pro-abortion. … The fight over abortion centers on allowing Americans to end lives. Last time I checked. … Yet, six in ten Americans find abortion to be morally wrong.…
The Pro-Life Case for Trump
– Trump affirmed that he would defund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, of taxpayer dollars. … obligation to support abortion at any time, for any reason, with their tax dollars. … This is the most dramatic pro-abortion position espoused by a leading political figure to date.…
United Methodist Church Backs Off Abortion
– The United Methodist Church has done a 180 on abortion. After years of supporting the Roe v. … at any point of her pregnancy. … That's certainly a step in the right direction from one of the last remaining churches to endorse abortion.…
Trump and the Supreme Court
– Among his decisions that will delight conservatives was a written opinion that the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 did not give … female employees the right to insurance coverage for contraceptives used solely to prevent pregnancy. … to inform patients that an "abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being." -- Joan Larsen…
First Thing We Do Let’s Kill All the Handicapped
– The so-called handicap justification for abortion suffers from the same flaw as nearly every other argument for abortion. … The person arguing that detecting a handicap during pregnancy can justify abortion will inevitably offer the same point of clarification … That third said the other doctors were wrong and that the abortion should not take place.…
Pro-Gun Control Senator: Forget Due Process, 'It's Killing Us'
– second, fifth and tenth amendments to the Constitution -- a document they'll also insist enshrines a right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand … throughout all nine months of pregnancy, absent any textual evidence.…
California and the Expanding Culture of Death
– In 1970, then-governor Ronald Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act. … They fully acknowledged that abortion is "the taking of a human life." … They freely admitted that abortion advocates have to resort to a "schizophrenic sort of subterfuge" in order to promote abortion in…
Zika, Abortion, and Population Control: The Hype and the Real Danger…and-population-control-the-hype-and-the-real-danger-n2184219
– Web that provides drugs to women in countries where abortion is illegal. … The advisory to avoid pregnancy has created a rift in the global medical community. … Life is precious, babies are human beings made in the image of God, and abortion is never the answer.…
Useless Hand-Wringing over Abortion Ruling
– While other sins can be freely addressed, clearly the sin of abortion is not. … If this scenario seems far-fetched to you, just talk to any post-abortion counselor at any pregnancy help organization and they will … Volunteer to work for pregnancy help organizations in your area.…
Are NeverTrumpers “Pro-Hillary”: Not Necessarily
Abortion, for instance, is regarded by many as an immoral act. … No one, however, regards as immoral surgery meant to save the life of a woman with an ectopic pregnancy. … Abortion is, essentially, by design, the intentional killing of an unborn child.…
Free Condoms -- What Could Go Wrong?
– Besides, if pregnancy occurs, it's no big deal. … For example, with abortion on demand, evidence that abortion might cause physical and emotional damage to women must be ignored. … That's why many liberals are so extreme on abortion that they even oppose the outlawing of partial-birth abortion.…
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