Results for: fauci an green

Joe Biden: The Grinch That Stole Christmas
– With around 70 days until Christmas, Americans don’t need to fear a forlorn and grumpy green Grinch showing up to take all their presents … Instead of the Grinch’s canine accomplice Max, Grinch Biden has Anthony Fauci, Pete Buttigieg, Jen Psaki, and the whole of the clumsy … The latest data shows that the average American family spends an extra $175 every month due to inflation.…
McAuliffe Leads Trump in Virginia; Ex-Pres Not on Ballot
An Emerson College survey taken October 1 – 3 put McAuliffe at 49 percent, Youngkin at 48. … Recent McAuliffe e-mails seeking an additional $500,000 in 24 hours warn, “We’re running out of time! Countdown to midnight. … Green Tech declared bankruptcy in 2018.…
The Party of Science?
– respected Republican political strategist – Steve Schmidt took some arguably well-deserved heat on social media for mentioning in an … Anthony Fauci and the experts told her to. “If the public health professionals, if Dr. … [Anthony] Fauci if the doctors tell us that we should take it, then I’ll be first in line to take it,” Harris said.…
So Far, Biden Is All Gloom and No Sunshine
– Say what you will about the personal and political failings of Donald Trump, at least he was an optimist. … Fauci continue to give us no good news and nothing to look forward to. … Yet Biden and Fauci keep moving the goal posts back.…
Analysis: The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine News Is Huge
– But will the newly-green-lit doses be ready to roll immediately?  There's some confusion over that, it seems.   … Anthony Fauci was urging patience in a recent interview.   … Fauci.  The realistic goal of these vaccines is not to eliminate COVID completely.  …
'Very Frightening': Dr. Scott Atlas Explains How Public Health Officials Have Damaged the American Psyche…blic-health-officials-have-damaged-the-american-psy-n2585178
– Anthony Fauci have flip-flopped so many times on so many issues it’s hard to keep track. … Finally, when vaccines got the green light many breathed a sigh of relief, hoping it meant that soon this pandemic would be over. … “That has an impact, and at this point when you have people that keep repeating that kind of stuff, misinformation, totally ignoring…
Why Biden Is About to Eat His 'Neanderthal' Remarks Regarding States Rolling Back COVID Protocols…ared-for-killing-people-because-theyre-rolling-back-n2585734
– There’s a dirty secret the liberal media, Democrats, and the Fauci cultists don’t want you to know, but we’ll get to that in a bit. … And while summer camps and festivals have not yet been given the green light, the reopening plan advises them to begin preparations … for an eventual reopening.…
The COVID Deaths the Liberal Media Doesn't Like to Talk About
– Anthony Fauci and others was the first sign that nobody knew what they were talking about. … Right now, Fauci is saying we need to double mask. For me, I won’t do it. I already had COVID. No one is getting it from me. … Also, teachers’ unions wanted an opportunity to knock the Trump administration, along with extending their summer vacation.…
Yes, They Cheat. We Have to Win Georgia Anyway
– Far from an “authoritarian,” Trump seemed to be utterly unaware that he was president. Now it’s too late. … That means: No Green New Deal, no District of Columbia statehood, no court packing and no mass amnesty. … Didn’t you hear Fauci? Wear a mask.…
Sen. Durbin Gives the Trump Admin 'Credit' for Vaccine Success
– Anthony Fauci and other health experts have insisted that the speed of the process did not jeopardize the safety of the finished product … Last Friday the FDA approved an emergency authorization request from Pfizer to start distributing the vaccine they developed with BioNTech … Moderna is expected to be given the green light on Friday.…
Watch: Cal Cunningham Says He is 'Hesitant' About a COVID-19 Vaccine During Debate With Sen. Tillis
– Tillis called Cunningham's vaccine hesitation "irresponsible," as a potential COVID-19 vaccination would save an abundance of American … Anthony Fauci, have given the green light for the vaccine trial process.…
Biden Economic Nominee Turns Out to Be a Radical in All Sorts of Areas…nee-turns-out-to-be-a-radical-in-all-sorts-of-areas-n2623099
– It’s an important point and surely one reason economics has done far too little to address racial gaps. … Listen to Fauci, Not Trump." … It’s part of an agenda to clean up transportation writ large," he wrote in part.…
Watch Fauci's Response to Gov. Ron DeSantis's Latest Move Against COVID-19 Vaccine Makers
– Anthony Fauci reacted to Florida Gov. … He's now asking the Florida Supreme Court to green-light an investigation into...any and all wrongdoing...with respect to COVID-19 … FAUCI: "I don't have a clue what he's asking for...What's the problem with vaccines?"…
DeSantis Attacks Biden During Iowa Speech: 'He Doesn't Care'
– Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) and the mother of two young boys who died from an accidental fentanyl overdose.  … Anthony Fauci for responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, saying, "we were right, they were wrong." …
Aaron Rodgers Explains Why He Couldn't Get the COVID Vaccine.
– This was never going to be an easy sell—and peddling science fiction the way Anthony Fauci and the CDC did does not help.  … "I'm not an anti-vaxx, flat-earther. … I have an allergy to an ingredient that's in the mRNA vaccines. … I have an allergy to an ingredient that's in the mRNA vaccines.…
Bill Maher Tells Democrats It's Time to Admit Something That Will Surely Infuriate Anthony Fauci…something-that-will-surely-infuriate-anthony-fauci-n2598318
– We’ll get to that in a second, but he mentioned something on his show that will not make Anthony Fauci, the CDC, or the COVID panic … Anthony Fauci has given the green light on Halloween since it's been Maher's "position since the beginning of this." … You know Fauci probably stroked out.…
Leftists Can't Handle the Truth, So They Censor It
– They want to push an agenda and facts aren’t on their side, but they also know they can’t kick *everyone* off who disagrees with them … Anthony Fauci would ever engage the likes of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Martin Kuldorff, or Dr. … They could make it happen in a snap - and even Fauci would be shamed into participating - yet they never will.…
The Top 50 Worst Journos of 2021 – Part II
– Ron DeSantis, Keilar said he was being such an ass toward her. … Gave a slanted interpretation of an Atlanta police chief after a mass shooting. … Anthony Fauci groupie.  3.…
Biden's Neglect of Southern Border is Another Public Health Crisis Waiting to Happen…r-is-another-public-health-crisis-waiting-to-happen-n2623319
– Ambassador, I am deeply concerned that an onslaught of migrants across our southern border could open the door for yet another public … Plain and simple, a secure border should be as bi-partisan of an issue as it was when it came to fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. … lighting an open border humanitarian crisis which will have lasting impacts on Americans for generations to come.…
Moscow on the Potomac
Fauci. … the green climate goddess who is angry. … clinic, you might find an FBI SWAT team outside your door one morning.…
Climate Hoax Hacks Love Putin
– The green new dealers are Putin’s best pals whose frivolous obsession is killing Ukrainian kids. … We went from being an exporter under Trump to an importer under Lump. And that was okay. … When Fauci – whatever happened to that creepy little sex dwarf anyway?…
In The Hot Seat: CDC Director to Testify on Capitol Hill About Botched Ebola Response…tor-to-testify-on-capitol-hill-about-ebola-response-n1905947
– over the agency's botched handling of Ebola in the United States after a series of major missteps, including officials giving the green … “The Ebola outbreak is a global public health issue that demands an all-hands-on-deck response. … Anthony Fauci, Director of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority at the Department of Health and Human Services Dr…