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WATCH: Millennials Answer the Question: 'Would You Rather Date a Trump Supporter or MS-13 Gang Member'?

Now is one of those times where I'm embarrassed to be considered a Millennial. The Daily Caller hit the streets of Washington, D.C. and asked Millennials "Would you rather date a Trump supporter or MS-13 gang member?" 


Pretty much every person who responded would rather date a dangerous gang member than someone who they disagree with politically. 

Is this seriously what America has come to? Liberals are so busy preaching peace and tolerance that they can't even seen their own hypocrisy. Everyone should be tolerant and peaceful, unless you're conservative that is.

About MS-13

MS-13 is short for Mara Salvatrucha. According to the FBI, members of the gang "are mostly Salvadoran nationals or first generation Salvadoran-Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central and South American immigrants."

The gang operates in 42 states as well as the District of Columbia. Membership in the United States sits between 6,000 and 10,000, with a concentration primarily in western and northeastern states.

MS-13 is known for partaking in the following criminal activities:
• Drug distribution
* Murder
• Rape
• Prostitution
• Robbery
• Home invasions
• Immigration offenses
• Kidnapping
• Carjackings/auto thefts
• Vandalism


It's sad that Americans would rather date a criminal who is capable of committing rape, murder and other heinous crimes but dating a Trump supporter is off limit.

Progressives, you might want to rethink your strategy, especially when you wonder why the world is so violent. Hint: it probably has something to do with the fact that you're willing to reproduce with criminals over Trump supporters.

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