It drives me nuts when I hear pundits, politicians, and the press saying that political incivility is equal on both sides. It’s a myth. The incivility leans left, and we all know it.
In fact, a hornet’s nest of bomb-throwing Leftists, left-leaners and liberals (the New Democrats) have been mocking, bullying and insulting conservatives for decades.
And now that Justice Anthony Kennedy will retire July 31, we can expect the media, the New Democrats, and the puppeteers behind the organized protests to deploy their pet vipers everywhere to engage in even more uncivil discourse. We heard the first call to arms when Chuck Schumer on Wednesday rallied “the American people” to make their voices heard “loudly, clearly and consistently” so their rights aren’t taken away.
As out-of-power Democrats lose more influence, expect them to take things up a notch. Their real firepower is gone so they’re scrounging for political rocks and torches wherever they can find them.
It really is hard to say what will happen as minions of the Resistance Movement “scorch the Earth” under the banner of the flag. They’re doing real damage to our institutions, and we’re sick of it! They’ve pushed good men to a place where it’s become uncivil to just sit back and do nothing. “Even when you’re on the right track,” as the saying goes, “you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
For too long, sincere Republicans with different approaches to complex problems have been bludgeoned to death with insufferable nicknames: party of the rich, oppressors of the poor, discriminators of women, racists, homophobes, Islamophobes – you know – all the stuff you find in a basket of deplorables.
While we were being demonized as evil, genteel conservative leaders remained civil, soft-spoken and woefully unskilled in dealing with folks who had no compunction about punching below the belt in broad daylight.
Year after year, their side was at war – ours was frozen in diplomacy, pretending to be brave.
We never froze. We just seethed as we watched Republican leader after Republican leader bring spit balls to an artillery fight. America was headed for an iceberg while the captains of the ship whistled at the wheel.
So we voted for Trump.
And now that Trump is swinging his presidential bat like a crazy man – whacking at all kinds of hornet’s nests – all the buzz is that he and his supporters are uncivil.
That’s fiction. But what the New Democrats have been doing lately, is real:
- Maxine Waters, the “Pied Piper of the Unhinged Left,” as Rep. Ron DeSantis dubbed her, shouted to an “Amen” crowd, Saturday, that “God is on our side” as she screeched for miscellaneous Trump resistors to harass the president’s supporters wherever they may be found. “No peace; no sleep! No peace; no sleep!” snorted the gentlelady from California.
- The liberal owner of Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her husband out because she worked for Trump.
- Protesters harassed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as she bought tickets to see the “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” movie. Bondi said one cantankerous protester spit on her forehead, and another one dared her boyfriend to defend her. These are the kind of guys who Trump would want to “punch in the face.” Me too.
- Homeland Security Secretary (HHS) Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed while having a working dinner at a Mexican restaurant in DC. Protesters then harassed her at her home, and later left the burned body of a decapitated animal on the front porch of a DHS staffer.
These quotes were also real:
Donny Deutsch: “We can no longer say that Trump’s the bad guy. If you vote for Trump, you’re the bad guy. If you vote for Trump, you are ripping children from their arms. If you vote for Trump, then you, the voter, you – not Donald Trump – are standing at the border like Nazis …”
Robert De Niro: “It’s no longer, ‘Down with Trump’; it’s ‘F@#* Trump.’”
Sean Penn: “We’re a nation in need of an assassination.”
Johnny Depp: “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify. I'm not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it's been a while, and maybe it's time."
Peter Fonda: “Want to stop this f@#*ing monster? … We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant a@#hole she is married to.”
As much as the New Democrats like to blame this stuff on “The Trump Era,” the mayhem could have been avoided long ago with a little leadership from key liberals and conservatives after presidential power transferred to Trump. The Bushes, the Obamas and the Clintons let their contempt for Trump override their obligation to the country.
These former “most powerful people in the world” should have spoken words “loudly, clearly and consistently” that reinforced the legitimacy of the 2016 election: “America, we’ve had a peaceful transfer of power and, while we completely disagree with Trump’s approach, he is our president and, where we do agree, he’ll always have our whole-hearted support.”
Instead, Trump-haters carry on like the intransigent Palestinians who refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. They just don’t think he’s legitimate. That’s the real source of incivility.
Now the arsonists are calling for civility. My advice? Stop setting the fires! The campaign is over, folks. That means the people have spoken. Accept it. The ideas and promises that Candidate Trump ran on won the day. You’ve been resisting for so long that many young people have no idea what peace transition looks like. The so-called “Resistance” has become a reactionary group. It is un-American, un-democratic, uncivil and, in time, it will backfire.
The peaceful transfer of power is still fairly new to civilized governance, and it’s extremely fragile. That indispensable mechanism is failing the stress test with Trump, and a world of democracies are watching.
It’s far past time to acknowledge Trump’s right to exist as president. Give up the Resistance! Let the man govern!
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