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The Great Vaccine Mandate Scam

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AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

This is the Great Vaccine Mandate Scam. President Joe Biden is using the vaccine mandate (and vaccine passport to come) as a Trojan horse. In other words, it looks like he's trying to protect America and save lives, when in reality he's using this vaccine mandate as a cover story to destroy the U.S. economy, capitalism and the great American middle class, all at once.

This is a communist takeover of the U.S. by a small minority at the top who have rigged elections and are now busy hijacking the country, as if they have some powerful mandate.

They don't. As a matter of fact, everyone hates Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. They have no popular support as they dismantle the country.

Have you seen the polls lately? Biden is at 36% approval in the latest Quinnipiac poll. 36%. It just can't get much lower than that. Anything lower than that and your support is pretty much friends, relatives and paid campaign staff. Ask Harris. She's at 28%.

How low can Joe go? Remember, when any Democrat politician gets up in the morning, they automatically have about 45% of the vote locked up. That represents everyone in America who lives on government handouts -- welfare checks, food stamps, Medicaid, Obamacare and the 1,000 other government giveaways.

So, 36% support for Biden means that pretty much every working Joe and Jane in America has now turned against Biden. The entire middle class hates Biden's guts. That's why they chant "F--- Joe Biden" and "Let's Go Brandon" at sporting events.

But Biden and his communist cabal don't care. They are using a secret weapon to wipe out their middle-class opposition: the vaccine mandates.

These mandates are squarely aimed only at working Americans. If you have a job, you're looking at being threatened with losing your job, your income and your pension if you choose to remain unvaccinated. Biden is threatening to destroy your life, to make you homeless.

But if you're a lazy bum, sitting home watching "Dr. Phil" and waiting for your EBT card to arrive in the mail, you're safe. Biden isn't taking a dime away from you. Only Americans with jobs are being persecuted.

Why not lose your welfare if you're unvaccinated? Why not lose your food stamps? Why not lose your Medicaid or Obamacare?

Why is it only middle-class Americans, who work for a living, who pay taxes, who bust their butts, who have families to support, who are being persecuted over this vaccine mandate?

Because the great American middle class, and anyone who works for a living and pays taxes into the system, is overwhelmingly Republican and conservative.

This is how you destroy an economy: Make tens of millions of middle-class people unemployed and dependent on government, kill off capitalism, and turn the USA into a socialist nation.

This Trojan horse kills the economy in a second way. A large portion of the country is unvaccinated and plans to stay that way. If we can't walk into retail stores, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and conventions, all those businesses will lose a large portion of their business. They'll soon be crippled, or out of business.

The rumor is by early 2022 (after the holidays), Biden will ban air travel by the unvaccinated. Say goodbye to the airlines. Without the unvaccinated as customers, airlines will be out of business. Fast.

And as a bonus, Biden's vaccine mandate destroys FIRST RESPONDERS. One-third or more of police, fire, border agents, prison guards and our military heroes will soon be gone.

Think I'm exaggerating? See Boston. Hospitals there are overwhelmed. There are no ER or ICU beds available for all the sick people. They're flying sick people to other states. Why? Boston lost a large number of nurses because of the vaccine mandate.

The country is a mess. The economy will soon be a disaster. The middle class is being systematically destroyed. This is a fast-moving tragedy. It's the end of America.

And it's all being perpetrated by a brain-dead zombie puppet with 36% approval, using a Trojan horse called the vaccine mandate.

We are the majority. We all despise Biden. The question is, are we going to let this happen?

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