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Does Anyone Have the Courage to Indict Obama?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Michael Sohn

I recently watched a documentary about how the U.S. government finally took down the mob (aka the Mafia). For decades, the U.S. government failed miserably. Why? Because it could only catch low-level "soldiers" in the act of a crime but never the mob boss (aka The Don).


But something changed in the late 1980s. The government applied the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO Act, to the Mafia. It proved the mob acted as a "family." And when the head of the family gave an order, he was as guilty as the "soldier" who carried it out. This allowed the government to destroy the Mafia.

Suddenly, a light bulb went off. I realized this is exactly how to indict, convict and send former President Barack Obama to prison.

I believe Obama is the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. RICO is how we get Don Obama. He was the head of a family just like the Mafia. Call it the Obama Crime Family.

Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham are playing in the minor leagues. They are going after the "soldiers" of the Obama criminal family. But they should be targeting the head of the snake: Obama. He gave all the orders. He oversaw and coordinated all the crime, extortion, theft, fraud and lies. And, of course, the biggest crime of all: spying. Some might call that treason.

It was all Obama. Just like in New York in the 1980s, it was all Paul Castellano and John Gotti of the Gambino family. The only difference is the crimes and audacity of Obama make the Gambinos look like Boy Scouts. Trust me, the Mafia has nothing on Obama.


Let's compare the crimes of Obama vs. the Gambinos'.

Don Obama targeted, hunted, demonized, intimidated and punished his best customers (business owners and high-income taxpayers). Obama's weapons of choice were the highest taxes and the most regulations in U.S. history. Even the Mafia treats its best customers better than this!

Unfortunately, we can't indict Obama over that.

But Obama's IRS crimes are a different story. Obama had his own personal government-sanctioned hit squad. Obama's IRS thugs went after tea partiers, conservatives and groups that believed in the U.S. Constitution. Even the Mafia had more respect for the Constitution than Obama's government gang.

Obama's IRS thugs went after Christian charities, Catholic professors and pro-life groups. It even went after Reverend Billy Graham. The Mafia had more respect for the church than the Obama Crime Family.

A St. Louis anchorman who dared to ask tough questions of Obama said Obama's IRS was sent to intimidate him. Even the Mafia knows never to touch the media.

Obama's IRS targeted pro-Israel groups. Even the greatest gangsters of all-time -- Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel -- were always friends of Israel.

Don Obama had the IRS audit Republican donors, thereby crippling his political opposition. Even the Gambinos never figured out how to use the law to bankrupt the other Mafia families.


And, of course, Obama used the IRS to go after me personally. I was Obama's college classmate at Columbia University, class of '83. My criticisms of Obama on Fox News obviously struck a chord. He clearly ordered the IRS to destroy my life.

That's how I know Obama personally ordered "the hit" on President Donald Trump. He certainly hated Trump far more than me. Trump questioned his birth, his U.S. citizenship. Obama was out for blood.

I have no doubt Obama ordered the spying on the Trump campaign, the unmasking, the fake FISA warrant. And after Trump's victory, Obama ordered Trump framed for Russian collusion. Obama's loyalists leaked the Ukraine call. I have no doubt Obama directed the entire impeachment behind the scenes.

Don't forget the many other Obama crimes: "Fast and Furious"; the fraud of Benghazi; Hillary Clinton's erased emails; the fix to make sure the FBI exonerated Clinton; the fraud concocted on the airport runway between Bill Clinton and Obama's attorney general; the murder of Seth Rich; the fix to make sure Clinton won the Democrat primary; and Clinton and Joe Biden's extortion of foreign allies. I guarantee you nothing happened without the approval of Don Obama.

I need to make special mention of the Obamacare Ponzi scheme. Obama committed pure fraud when he said, "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan." That's like a Mafia loan shark telling a business owner, "Don't worry. Here's your loan at 300 percent interest. You can keep your business."


It's time to indict Obama. He's not above the law. He's no better than the Gambinos. Actually, he's worse. The Gambinos were thugs and murderers, but at least they loved America and capitalism.

My apologies for insulting the Gambinos by comparison.

Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally-syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network at 6 PM to 9 PM EST/3 PM to 6 PM PST.

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