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It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.
AP Photo/Paul Sancya

I wrote the best-selling business book "The Power of Relentless" four years ago. After a lifetime of studying business leaders, I concluded that being "relentless" is the No. 1 trait that leads to success. And I named Donald J. Trump the most relentless human being in modern history.


Soon after, Trump was elected president against all odds.

Don't look now, but Trump is proving it all over again. We've just experienced the greatest week in the history of the relentless Donald J. Trump's presidency.

First, of course, Trump was exonerated and vindicated after the most corrupt hoax in the history of U.S. politics. There never was "Russian collusion."

Even Robert Mueller -- a Trump-hater with a team of vicious Democrat-donor prosecutors -- had to admit that. And as brilliant Attorney General William Barr explained, without "collusion," there can't be obstruction of justice.

Trump wins -- again. That's relentless.

Poor, poor liberals. After two years, more than $25 million and thousands of hours of obsession by Mueller and the liberal media, all they got was a crummy T-shirt.

But then it got better. Way better.

On Monday, the Department of Justice announced that it is urging an appeals court to side with a federal judge who ruled Obamacare is unconstitutional. The administration argues the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down. DOJ lawyers are pushing for an end to Obamacare. You didn't see that coming, did you? That's relentless.


Next, the Pentagon notified Congress that it had authorized the first $1 billion for Trump to build his wall. This money will be used to build 57 miles of new wall and fencing along the Yuma and El Paso sections of the border.

Construction will begin immediately. Didn't liberals claim Trump would never build his wall? That's relentless.

This money is just the start of the release of military funds that will occur thanks to Trump's emergency order -- you know, the one this columnist first recommended to the president back in November. What an honor to be a part of history.

Finally, Trump has announced he'll sign a new executive order to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a strip of land central to Israel's security. Trump loves Israel. He just cemented his legacy as the greatest U.S. president ever to the Jewish people. Contrast this with nine Democrat presidential candidates boycotting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this week.

Trump has single-handedly changed the dynamic between Jews and the Democratic Party. That's relentless.

Now there is one thing left to do. It's time to relentlessly demand justice.

It's time to play the Democrats' game. If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Barr must name special counsels to investigate the endless scandals of the Democrats. It's time to investigate Russiagate, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act scandal, the unmasking scandal and the FBI and DOJ officials who perpetrated this collusion hoax on the American people. But why stop there?


Name special counsels to investigate Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, the Uranium One deal and the Barack Obama IRS scandal. It's time for Clinton, Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, James Clapper, Ben Rhodes and so many others to pay for their awful crimes.

It's time to turn the hunters into the hunted. It's time to relentlessly special counsel the Democratic Party into oblivion.

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