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We Must Never Forget What the Muslim Jihadists Did on Patriot's Day

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When the Almighty set about to make Bostonians he made them from sturdy stock. 

From Bunker Hill to the marathon bombing, they have shown the nation what it means to be Boston Strong.


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It's been four years since two Islamic radicals waged jihad on the Boston Marathon. Four people were killed. Sixteen people lost their legs - in the name of the religion of peace. 
There are some who would rather we forget about the carnage of that day - but we cannot and we must not. 
We must never forget what the Islamic radicals did to us -- the blood they spilled on American soil on Patriot's Day. 
We must never forget the courage of our fellow countrymen - the bystanders who became first responders.

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"That's what Americans do in times of crisis," Daniel Conley told ABC News. "We come together and we help one another. Moments like these, terrible as they are, don't show our weakness, they show our strength."
We must never forget the Boston police who stood guard over the bodies of the dead - so they would not be left alone.  

“We stood there not so much as cops, or veterans, but as fathers. I have five children. Every one of us there that night thought but for the grace of God that could be my child, coming in to watch the marathon on a beautiful day," Boston police captain Frank Armstrong said. 


We must never forget the courage and inspiration of the survivors - people ballroom dancer Adrianne Haslet-Davis and runner Patrick Downes. They both lost their legs - but today Adrianne is once again on the dance floor and last year Patrick ran the Boston Marathon.

"A victim ... means that I somehow belong to somebody or I'm suffering because of him and I'm not suffering. I'm thriving," she told CNN. "I am a survivor."

Those are the stories we must tell future generations - the day the worst of mankind brought out the best of mankind.  

That is what we must remember on this Patriot's Day.

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