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Atheists Fear Hotel Bible Might Cause Spontaneous Conversion

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The Good Book has been banished from rooms at a hotel operated by Arizona State University.

The religious cleansing of the Thunderbird Executive Inn took place after the Freedom From Religion Foundation complained. It was a story first reported by Billy Hallowell of Deseret News.


“Providing Bibles to Inn guests sends the message that ASU endorses the religious texts,” attorney Madeline Ziegler wrote to the university.

The FFRF is a group of perpetually offended atheists and agnostic whack-a-doodles from Wisconsin. They are very unpleasant and very litigious people.

“State-run colleges have a constitutional obligation to remain neutral toward religion,” Ziegler wrote. “When a government entity like ASU distributes such material to visitors, it has unconstitutionally entangled itself with a religious message, in this case a Christian message.”


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