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Leftists’ Goal Is To Wear Us Down

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They are trying to wear us down.

Although they don’t understand anything about those with whom they are dealing.

Regular folks who love God, their family and their country aren’t the fascists or racists the left makes them out to be, with the daily barrage of propaganda designed to take good people down.


Normal folks don’t have time to entertain the darkness the left promotes. They are too busy working or going to church or tending gardens or splitting wood at night to keep their families warm. Then they go to bed and get up the next day and do it all again.

There is no time for the nonsense littering the internet and television intended to cast guilt over their values and votes. The more insane the left and their propaganda becomes, the more confident they are about the choices they will make in 2018 and 2020.

They have zero interest in protests across the country about which the media incessantly reports. They have no patience for the violence and chaos and destruction. They interpret it as something city folks do when they have too much time on their hands and too much money they didn’t earn in their pockets.

They are intuitive, but too busy to be distracted.

They are fully aware of heavily funded temper tantrum groups ingratiated by the Democrat Party such as the former Occupy Movement. A movement whose members expressed their adulation for spreading the wealth around by spreading their own feces around public places during Barack Obama’s first term. Normal people respect and appreciate cops, so they were repulsed when an occupier disrespectfully did the “big nasty” on a cop car while others poured human waste down a flight of stairs and at a bank ATM vestibule in New York. Obama and Congressional Democrats cheered them on.


And whose mental state are we currently questioning?

Those who learned stamina from the school of hard work were not impressed when reports emerged the Occupy Movement fizzled into obscurity after temperatures dropped and smarmy snowflakes retreated to their taxpayer subsidized safe spaces upon realizing they could tolerate cold about as much as they do opposing opinions.

Now, according to Politico, they are back.

Those who do the right thing every day even when they don’t feel like it, don’t have time to care this group resurrected from dormancy. But they do hope protesters pack diapers or pooper-scoopers this time around because poop disposal fairies do not exist. They resent when their taxes are used to clean up these messes.

Those who work for a living aren’t worried this group, “Refuse Fascism,” has a mission to oust President Trump and threatens to march and demonstrate and occupy city centers and parks until “Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have fallen,” as Politico reports.

We all should be concerned, though, that one of this group’s lead organizers is “a Maoist activist,” as Politico reports. The left is full of history-challenged non-thinkers who have no clue that Mao Zedong was a mass murdering communist dictator whose policies killed tens of millions of people by starving, working and beating them to death.


While millions less people on the planet might excite someone like Gloria Steinem who recently said, “forcing women to have children” is the “fundamental cause of climate change,” those who value life find it concerning Democrats have not disavowed this Maoist activist group organizer.

This should also serve as a reminder to the miniscule fraction of rightwing never-Trumpers that the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

With that said, and this column complete, I need to get to work. Sorry Gloria, it’s been snowing in our mountains here since early August, so I must sign off to go outside to split more wood.

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