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Let Trump Talk - Let Him Walk

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AP Photo/Rick Scuteri

As the Supreme Court continues to delay releasing its opinion in Trump vs. United States, pundits, journalists, and politicians are increasingly apprehensive about what the future may hold as the summer campaign season escalates. The rarity of Supreme Court sessions extending into July makes the delay in this high-stakes immunity case increasingly perplexing.


For former President Trump, the delay, in this case, might offer short-term fundraising benefits—his mug shot alone generated millions, and incarceration following his sentencing on July 11th could potentially yield even more. However, the maxim "justice delayed is justice denied" remains profoundly relevant as political eyes remained focused on the high court.

This case should be a simple one to decide. Legal intricacies aside, at its core, this case is about the fundamental right to free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. Former President Trump, like any citizen, deserves the right to express his beliefs without fear of retribution or censorship. In our democratic society, the right to free speech is the bedrock to our freedom. Just as every American is free to express their thoughts and opinions, so too should a sitting or former president.

Yet, lawyers continue to confuse and complicate the basic and fundamental issues the way only lawyers can. Instead of trying to find simple solutions, they overcomplicate things to accommodate a political bias and end up arguing to the point where it is absurd – and ordinary Americans are disgusted.

Despite what many in the media and power want us to believe, it is essential to understand that this case is about much more than revenge against former President Trump. This case is about the preservation of core freedoms that belong to everyone regardless of political affiliation. The Biden Administration and liberal prosecutors are attempting to criminalize dissenting thoughts and abusing the legal system to gain political power.  It is a dangerous precedent to set, one that undermines the very foundation of our republic.


The Coolidge Reagan Foundation, where I serve as Chairman, has taken a firm stance on this issue. We filed an Amici Brief with the Supreme Court in support of former President Trump, advocating for his right to free speech. Our message is simple and direct - regardless of public opinion, media narratives, or political opposition, President Trump is entitled to his beliefs about the 2020 election and to express those beliefs openly. As President, if he genuinely believed the election was stolen, he had a duty to act on that belief.

Critics may not agree with Trump’s views or actions, but the principle at stake is much larger. It's about ensuring that every American can think and speak freely. Freedom of speech starts with the freedom to hold and express ideas, regardless of how controversial or unpopular they may be.

The case of Donald Trump vs. United States is a litmus test for the Supreme Court’s commitment to free speech. By defending Trump’s right to speak, we affirm the enduring principles that make our nation resilient and vibrant. Protecting these rights is not just about one individual - it is about safeguarding the bedrock of our society, upon which our freedoms and prosperity are built.


Moreover, a successful outcome for Trump in this case will have far-reaching implications. It will likely undermine other legal actions being pursued against him, rendering much of the lawfare ineffective. Such a resolution would not only be a legal victory but also a significant moral triumph for the former President, reinforcing the principle that free speech must be protected at all costs.

However, the Supreme Court’s delay in issuing its decision raises concerns. The timing is already all but assuring that the other cases involving Trump will remain unresolved before the upcoming election, inadvertently affecting the electoral process.

By withholding a decisive ruling, the Court may unintentionally contribute to election interference, as those responsible for enforcing laws use these delays to manipulate the political landscape.

As we all await the Supreme Court's opinion, many of us will watch to see if it maintains its commitment to upholding the First Amendment. The outcome of this case will set a critical precedent, not just for one individual, but for the preservation of our most fundamental freedoms. It would be refreshing to see the Supreme Court send a message to the politicians and the lawyers who abuse their power and the legal system for political gain or revenge.


Shaun McCutcheon is a Free Speech advocate, an Alabama-based electrical engineer, the founder of Multipolar, and was the successful plaintiff in the 2014 Supreme Court case McCutcheon v. FEC.


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