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Yes, Planned Parenthood is the Leading Killer of Black Lives.

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AP Photo/Melinda Deslatte

Systemic racism. We’re (falsely) told it’s “baked into American law and society.” But pro-abortion activists refuse to see it in the one industry that deliberately kills for a living. The same putrid pseudoscience – eugenics – that brought us the Holocaust birthed Planned Parenthood. Yet somehow, this billion-dollar abortion chain has convinced the black community that killing our Posterity is a social good. 


So, when a cop kills an unarmed black life, social justice warriors demand that there must be justice! But when an abortionist kills an unarmed black life, they celebrate it as reproductive justice. When it comes to human equality, we’ve traded the fierce urgency of now for the fierce urgency to bow. Instead of fighting against forces that, historically, have wanted us dead, too many voluntarily offer our most vulnerable to be killed for profit.

Police are accused of fatally shooting 139 black lives in 2021 (see this database). Of those who tragically found themselves on the wrong end of a gun, 80% were armed with a deadly weapon (gun, knife, or vehicle). Only 3% were unarmed. In 2021, Planned Parenthood killed an estimated 360 black lives every single day. One hundred percent of those lives were unarmed. One hundred percent of those lives were innocent. Clearly only some black lives matter

But don’t worry. Planned Parenthood has declared itself an “anti-racist” organization (here, here and here). Well, that shows what a fraud the so-called anti-racism movement is. If you’re killing millions of members of a marginalized group, you should clearly be in the oppressor category.

Abortion is the number one killer in the black community. It outnumbers the top twenty causes of death, combined! Abortions kill 110.5 times more black lives than HIV, 33 times more than homicides, 4.7 times more than cancer, and 3 times more than heart disease. At 327,647 aborted black lives in just one year, it is the only negative health disparity that is celebrated by the Left.   


Yet, we’re constantly told by pro-abortion activists that there’s a lack of access to abortion among black and brown women. So, when more black babies are aborted than born alive in Manhattan (where Planned Parenthood is headquartered), there’s a “lack of access”? For every 1,000 born alive, there were 1,226 killed by abortion in 2018. The black community is the only demographic where there are more induced deaths than births. How many more black lives need to be aborted?

“Black people are our base!” Planned Parenthood declared in an email during COVID. That’s the result of a century of systemic racism. The disproportionate targeting of black lives has been by historic design thanks to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and all the organization’s leaders who have followed. Sanger’s approach to the human condition was hateful. And yes, it was racist. Even 300 of Planned Parenthood’s current and former employees admitted this in an online statement in 2020, saying: “Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist, white woman.” 

The activists continued: “We know that Planned Parenthood has a history and a present steeped in white supremacy…” but then choose to be blind to the racial violence that presently happens inside hundreds of Planned Parenthood abortion mills every day. (As a sidenote, I would say the issue we face, especially today, isn’t “white supremacy.” It’s sin supremacy. And that exists in every color.)


Planned Parenthood constantly casts itself as the savior of the black community. A Savior comes to give life, not destroy it. A Savior comes to express hope, not exploit fear. A Savior comes to save as many as possible, not enslave. “I would guess that the abortionists have done more to get rid of generations and cripple others than all of the years of slavery and lynchings.” These words are from a trailblazing history maker, Dr. Mildred Jefferson. She was the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, the first female surgeon at Boston University Medical Center, and the co-founder of the National Right to Life Committee. She understood the destructive bondage that a pro-abortion worldview and its racist propaganda have on the public, and she dedicated her life to exposing it.

Sure, Planned Parenthood’s current president, Alexis McGill Johnson, pretended to distance the organization from its founder. In a PR stunt, made national via the New York Times, she declared: “I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for Our Founder.” She then went on to make all kinds of excuses for Sanger as she praised her for her racist and elitist birth control crusade. “Whether our founder was a racist is not a simple yes or no question…But we can’t simply call her racist, scrub her from our history and move on.”


Of course, they can’t. But they’ve tried. They publicized how they’ve dropped her name from some of their abortion centers. But their DNA has never changed. 

Sanger had deep ties with the architects of some of the most horrific times in human history. Lothrop Stoddard, author of the deeply racist 1921 book The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, was a KKK leader and one of Planned Parenthood’s early Board members. Sanger appointed NAZI eugenicist Eugen Fischer, the author of Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene (which would later inspire Hitler’s heinous Final Solution), to her World Population Conference. He sought to prove that blacks were inferior to whites by studying the skulls of massacred Africans. This was the Shark Island holocaust, off the coast of what is modern-day Namibia, carried out by Germany 30 years before the Nazi Holocaust in Europe.

Regardless of who is at the helm, Planned Parenthood’s anti-human nature worsens with every intentional slaughter. Fast forward to present day with McGill Johnson claiming: “…we must fully take responsibility for the harm that Sanger caused to generations of people with disabilities and Black, Latino, Asian-American, and Indigenous people.”


Sure. Start here: stop making millions of black lives history.

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