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What If Biden Wins in November? Part One

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AP Photo/Morry Gash

No one can predict the future, of course, or if there will even be one.  But all of us crystal ball gaze—if we live, it will be in today’s future.  So, we make plans and contingencies based on our best guesses of what the short-term and long-term will bring.  We do that individually, and we need to do it as a country.


The re-election of Joe Biden in November, as improbable and horrifying as the thought is to right-thinking Americans, is far from impossible.  All the polls tell us that, currently, Mr. Trump has the edge, but that the election will probably be close.  Of course, the polls tell us nothing about the amount of fraud and cheating the Democrats will do, and we know they WILL do it.  Indeed, in one sense, the polls instruct Democrats on how much cheating they will need to do to win.

You see, folks, “the will of the people” means absolutely nothing to Leftists like Democrats.  It meant nothing to Lenin, or Stalin, Hitler, Mao, or any other totalitarian dictator in history (or now).  The Democrats couldn’t care less about “democracy,” or what the American people think or want.  They care only about winning, about power, about control. 

They are smarter than you, thus they need to have power!  And if the American people are too stupid to give them power by fair and just means, then they will do everything necessary to obtain it by foul methods.  In their minds, such is an absolute requirement, and stealing elections is justified, because, again, they must rule because they know better how to do it that the ignorant, mongoloid peasantry.  


So, Trump’s current lead in the polls means absolutely nothing—except providing Democrats with information on how much fraud is required to win.  This may be the last election in American history where “the will of the people” will actually mean something.  We’ll see if it does in this election.

But to our question:  what will happen to America if Biden wins?  Again, I don’t know the future, but let me speculate and throw out a few possibilities.  This column will consider the short-term effects (the next four years), while a subsequent article will consider some possible long-term consequences for America.


It isn’t difficult to envisage what will happen in the next four years if Biden wins:  he will continue to do what he is doing now, indeed probably speed things up because he’ll be a lame duck and not have to worry about facing the voters again.  The country’s economic malaise will persist, as the Deep State UniParty will continues to expand its horrendous debt by wasting money on wars and useless globalist, Left-wing projects.  All of this will put mounting strain on the working middle class and exacerbate poverty throughout the nation, especially as more illegals are allowed in, which will certainly occur.


Speaking of the illegal invasion, I can see no reason why Biden would halt this.  He might be forced, by blue states and cities like Chicago, Denver, and New York, to decelerate the process some, but the Democrats want these people in the country in order to completely make over the United States.  There are long-term consequences to that, which I will discuss in my next column.  Biden will no doubt try to move as many of the illegals as possible to red states to attempt to turn them blue.

How soon the Democrats will be able to give the illegals amnesty and voting rights will depend on whether they can also control both houses of Congress.  If they win both houses, watch for action on amnesty/voting, and possible attempts to abolish the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court.  If the Republicans can control at least one Congressional House, the Democrats might not be able to accomplish all, or any, of that in the next four years.  The race for Congressional control is every bit as crucial as the Presidential election.

A Biden victory in November further means continued encouragement for the godless, depraved Left to drag America into an immoral cesspool, finding new perversions, new filth to expose our children to, and more and more dissolute decadence to wallow in.  Hollywood and big business will follow wherever they think the money and influence will be.


This is inevitable because, when an absolute moral standard is abandoned, there is no final stopping place, and new excitements must be created to titillate the degenerates bored with the old ones.  The country, already a stinking toilet bowl under Biden, will only get worse.  The Left’s control of the media and academia will persist, and both will carry on trying to destroy America and everything good about the country’s heritage.      

In foreign affairs, Russia will probably eventually get most, or all, of what it wants in Ukraine.  The UniParty will keep throwing money down this rat hole as long as they can, but it’s a waste.  The Middle East, regardless of what happens in the current Israel-Hamas conflict, will remain a quagmire that no one can solve; Biden has no diplomatic ability whatsoever to concoct any kind of reasonable solution.  By 2028, China will almost surely have taken Taiwan, despite token efforts by Biden to prevent it.  I don’t see a World War on the horizon in the next four years, but I also will not predict it won’t happen; Biden’s incompetence is so monumental he could stumble the country into any kind of unimaginable catastrophe.  I do know that America will consistently grow weaker under a pusillanimous Commander-in-Chief.  In other words, nothing good will happen on the foreign stage.


It doesn’t take a genius to make these short-term predictions, and they could be multiplied.  Just look at the last four years, and you have a preview of the next four.

I’ll consider where I think America is headed, long-term, in a subsequent column.

Check out my substack for all kinds of material.  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.  Video podcast every week for paid subscribers.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  

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