With Friday's Dobbs decision, Donald Trump's legacy is now forever linked to the triumphant end of constitutionally protected abortion on demand. Conversely, Joe Biden's legacy continues to spiral down the toilet bowl of the 21st century with sky-rocketing inflation, record-high gas prices, a deadly and disastrous military pull-out from Afghanistan, and no signature opening sentence for his obituary other than "He defeated Donald Trump in 2020 under unprecedented and suspicious circumstances."
It's quite a disparity in presidencies, isn't it?
As Roe v. Wade is "resting comfortably" on the ash heap of history, it's inescapable to acknowledge that were it not for Donald Trump, a political neophyte who voted most of his life as the New York Democrat he always was, American conservatives would still be suffering from the abominable Supreme Court decision that sentenced millions of innocent, unborn children to their deaths before they even had a chance to feel the warm sun on their faces.
Donald Trump did this.
Oh, I know, it's very vogue among the "Never Trump" circle to say Trump was "lucky" and that he just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe.
But the point is, he was there. He beat Hillary Clinton and made his SCOTUS picks one of the top issues for voters to evaluate when choosing between the hope of his promises versus the guaranteed knowledge of Clinton's plan for the court.
And Trump delivered.
He didn't give us a Souter or Kennedy. He gave us Gorsuch and Coney Barret and, most importantly, stood by Kavanaugh through the most vicious, debased confirmation process in American history (and that's saying something considering the Bork and Thomas debacles then-Senator Joe Biden put us through).
This last point can't be emphasized enough.
It wasn't just that he nominated three strong originalists to the court, but he stood by them, especially Kavanaugh, when most other politicians would have pulled the rip cord the moment the name "Christine Blasey Ford" emerged in the Washington Post.
Does anyone think Senator Marco Rubio would have hung in there with Brett? JEB? Kasich? Don't make me laugh.
Maybe Senator Ted Cuz... maybe. Probably. But it was Trump who never wavered. And he deserves the victory lap.
Strangely and admirably, just when Trump had every reason to take that lap, toot his own horn and slap himself on the back, he deferred to... the Almighty.
When asked whether he feels he played a role after having appointed three conservative justices to the high court, Trump told Fox News: "God made the decision."
Meanwhile, Biden languishes, as does the nation, with his absence of vision, his ham-handed economic bumbling, and his leadership that is everything but divinely inspired.
Trump's was a definitive presidency that altered American politics and reset our electoral map and long-held political allegiance that had been predictable for decades. He swung for the fences and scored more often than not.
The Dobbs decision is the final exclamation mark to the 2016-2020 term and for conservatives who took a chance on the headline-grabbing developer. The pay-off is sweet, to say the least.
No matter what comes of his political future, Trump can already rest in knowing that he forever changed this nation, and by moving abortion off of the judiciary and back into the hands of the voters, he has rescued our nation from the grasp of demons.
Biden can't come close to Trump's legacy.
How sad.
After five decades as a senator, vice president, and now president, Biden still can't point to one signature moment of triumph like Trump can after only four years.
The closest Biden has in his sad history in Washington, DC, is his failed attempt to ruin the reputation and career of Justice Clarence Thomas by orchestrating the "high-tech lynching" posing as a confirmation hearing in 1991. But like most everything in Biden's past, it was a lot of noise, bluster, and narcissistic preening that amounted to no real accomplishment except to anger and polarize the American people.
And now, that man, Clarence Thomas, was the senior justice putting his name on the 6-3 decision that ended Roe v. Wade forever.
The irony is delicious.
Biden's presidency is an abject failure, even to voters in his party. Meanwhile, Trump's accomplishments continue to grow, culminating in SCOTUS decisions that ended Roe and secured the right to carry a firearm for self-defense and religious liberty for employees of state-run schools.
Joe can't dream of even coming close to what Trump has done. Boy, that's really gotta hurt.
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