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Where's the Congressional Commission on the China Virus?

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AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Yesterday, the Biden Administration announced it would not institute a special commission to investigate the events of January 6 in Washington, DC. 

This move, along with the Senate filibuster stopping consideration of Nancy Pelosi's plan for a bicameral, partisan approach to a commission, leaves the speaker with the option of continuing the ongoing House investigations along with the relentless Justice Department probes that continue to treat the riot as the first sign of the apocalypse. 

You'd think that would be enough, but Pelosi still seems to insist on a Democrat-led investigation originating from the House chamber that will take the next year or so to get to the bottom of what really provoked the bison-horned shirtless dude that day. 

After all, there's a lot of money to be raised for the Democrats on this issue, and they have to pull something out of their hats to try to avert the 2022 disaster that looms in the mid-terms. It's not like they can run on their record or their accomplishments. 

While the media and congressional Democrats continue the endless narrative on this January 6 commission business, you know what they aren't talking much about? You know what Nancy Pelosi doesn't seem too concerned with? You know what Joe Biden doesn't want to come 100 yards near? 

They don't seem to want to investigate, in any real fashion, the question as to how the Covid-19 virus came to be, infected humans, and spread worldwide, killing millions, including hundreds of thousands of Americans. That, they don't seem too curious about. 

Ask yourself: What impacted your life more in the past year, the events of January 6, or the coronavirus from China? (No, I'm not asking you, AOC, we know which had a more traumatic impact on you.)

The party line from the communists in Beijing has maintained that the virus "somehow" transferred from an infected bat to a human and then spread worldwide organically and naturally through inevitable human migration patterns, and that's all anyone needs to know. 

Inexplicably, Democrats, the media, and Dr. Anthony Fauci not only bought that pile of guano, but they also behaved as though anyone who dared challenge the commies' propaganda was a tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy nut who had to be shamed and silenced and censored. 

However, in the past several days, the Beijing BS has been unraveling before our eyes. 

For anyone not in the Democratic Party of America or the Communist Party of China, the "official" story seems less plausible by the minute. 

At this point, the more plausible explanations for the devastating pandemic seem to be these three variations:

1. The virus occurred naturally in bats at the Wuhan lab, and while it was being studied, it infected an employee, and it spread through the region from there. 

2. The virus was manipulated and "created" in the Wuhan lab, and it accidentally leaked from there and spread.

3. The virus was manipulated and "created" in the Wuhan lab, and the Chinese government deliberately leaked it for malicious reasons. 

Regardless of those three options, the behavior of the Beijing government in lying, covering up, denying access, withholding information, and allowing international travel with the full knowledge of the dangers of this virus are tantamount to acts of war and have devastated our country and our allies. 

And yet, Democrats don't seem to care. They continue to distract with hyperbolic rhetoric about the January 6 riot, and they pretend this deliberate and destructive virus story doesn't even exist. 

This is just another reason why it's so hard to take this party seriously. 

A serious political party would recognize the need for a full investigation not only into the origins of the virus but also the actions of the U.S. federal government connected to this lab. 

Why don't they care to have certain questions asked, let alone answered? 

You'd think we'd have a robust discussion right now about a Covid-19 commission. You'd think we'd already be in the midst of testimony with robust subpoenas issued to Anthony Fauci and his gang in the bureaucracy. 

You'd think we'd have a Republican leadership apparatus in the House and the Senate demanding this commission on a daily/hourly basis. 

You'd think, wouldn't you? 


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