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Don’t Help the Democrats

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AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool

When you watch the leftists rationalize how they lost so totally, it’s tempting to try to explain to them why their explanations for the outcome are completely wrong. Reject that temptation. Their self-serving and ridiculous rationalizations for their utter humiliation and total defeat are their problem, not yours. You couldn’t help them even if you wanted to, but you shouldn’t want to. Let’s encourage them to keep on failing.

We’ve all seen the shrieking weirdos and crying halfwits on social media and in curated clips from the regime media – because we don’t watch the regime media anymore – and they’ve made us laugh. It’s fun to watch them cry. It couldn’t happen to worse people. But you know, when they start explaining why they lost, the natural reaction of normal people is to seek to explain why they are wrong. You naturally want to show them why they are misguided because they are so totally misguided. They have decided that Americans are Nazis. They’ve decided that Americans, including black and brown ones, are racists. They’ve decided that Americans, including women, are misogynists. And they’ve also decided that we have a massive right-wing media complex spewing out disinformation and misinformation, as opposed to the leftists who have no media voice at all whatsoever. All this is crazy. All this is stupid. All this is wrong. But it’s not our job to help them get it right.

In fact, the last thing we want to do is help them get it right. No helping them, people. No helping. It’s not our job to fix them. It’s their job to fix themselves or to forever tread water in a reeking cesspool of defeat. I say let them do the latter. 

When I prepare a witness for a deposition, which is an interview under oath by the other attorney, I always have to explain to my client that his job is just to answer questions and not to help the other side. The other side is going to ask bad questions. It’s not going to ask the right questions to get the information it really wants. I have to explain to my client that it’s not his obligation to help the other side take a perfect deposition. It’s only his job to honestly answer the questions that are asked. If the other lawyer can’t do his job, that’s his problem. Don’t help.

It’s not our job is not to help the Democrats do an autopsy on the rotting corpse of their fascist dreams. It’s not our job to help the Democrats figure out how to lie to the voters and gaslight the vulnerable more effectively in order to gain power. It’s not our job to do their job, which is introspection. When you lose this badly, introspection is essential to become competitive again. But that doesn’t mean they’re going to do it. It’s much easier to embrace an explanation that doesn’t require you to challenge your preconceived notions and prejudices. It’s easier to latch onto a theory that absolves you from blame for your failure. It’s easier to decide that, as Seymour Skinner did, that it’s the children who are wrong.

Well, the Democrats are doing the Seymour Skinner Simpsons meme, and we need to let them keep doing it.

No helping, people. No helping them see the truth. No arguing with them about how they don’t understand us. No explaining to them what our true motivations for supporting Donald Trump were. It’s up to them to figure it out, and if they don’t, good, because winning is awesome.

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t mock them. We have a moral obligation to do so. We should take every opportunity to cruelly mock them without remorse and rub their faces in their total humiliation. This is only right and proper. The purpose of this righteous retribution is not to incentivize them to change course. The purpose is to enjoy ourselves and to administer a modicum of justice upon the people who gladly would have disarmed, disenfranchised, and defenestrated us had the American people been stupid enough to continue to grant them the ability to rule. It is important that we celebrate our victory. It is important that we gloat over it. We deserve this catharsis. Our people demand it. We came together and built a coalition like no other when all the smart people and the experts of expertise were telling us that we were doomed to defeat, and that America was on the verge of fundamental change into a socialist hellscape.

Well, that didn’t happen, and we are right to celebrate avoiding that fate. But the people who tried to impose that nightmare upon us have not changed. They don’t think they were wrong. They have not learned any lessons and it’s not our job to teach them. It’s not our job to help them. When you see them on Twitter or Facebook or wherever going on and on about how we yokels were fooled because we are stupid and we are racists and we are Nazis and we are misogynists and blah blah blah blah blah, you don’t need to explain the truth to them. The truth is that we’re done with their nonsense. We’re done with their economic mismanagement and their pillaging of the economy to line their own pockets. We’re done with them supporting perverts in our schools and the mutilation of children. We’re done with them making America into a second-rate power laughed at by petty potentates around the globe. We’re done with American decline. 

They don’t want to accept that explanation. They certainly don’t want to accept that women, black folks, Latinos, and even American Indians – who went 64% for Trump – are done with them. They want desperately for the answer to be racist straight white males being racist. Let them believe that because if they believe that they’ll make the same mistakes next time and they will meet the same fate next time. Let them fail, again and again, for the very same reasons they failed this time.

Remember, even if you wanted to teach them, you couldn’t. They don’t want to hear it. They can’t hear it. Wokeism is a religion, or at least a gross simulacrum of one. It’s what they fill up that void inside every human being with instead of faith, family, and the flag. It’s going to be hard for them to change, so don’t make it any easier. Let them go through the agonizing process. Let them suffer. And make sure that, as they do, you give them as much grief as humanly possible.

They don’t deserve your help. They deserve pain. So deal it.

Start getting in shape. Keep your head on a swivel. And buy guns and ammunition.

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Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!


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