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The Glory of America After Trump Wins

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Next week, we face a choice. It is a huge choice. A yuge choice, if you will. The ramifications are enormous. Historic. It's easy to forget that we are watching history happen. When you read about the past, you read about about when LBJ quit or when JFK was shot. Those are historic moments written in the history books. And we are living through history now. We had both of those things happen again in just the last few months, a dropout and an assassination attempt, except they tried to kill Trump twice and they failed. For those of us who love history, it is remarkable that we are part of it. I remember overhearing command net radio calls during the Gulf War that I later read about in books. Savor it. You are part of forever just for being alive now. People will read about this election cycle for centuries to come, assuming there's still an America.


And if Donald Trump gets elected, there will be an America.

What does it mean if Donald Trump gets elected? How will America look like when a new president is sworn-in in January 2029? Glorious, that’s how. We can be America again. We just need to choose wisely.

We must understand that the leftist Borg is not going to just give up if Trump wins. It's going to do everything it can, including hurting people, to retain its power. But it's going to lose. It’s going to lose because Donald Trump has learned. Donald Trump came into office in 2017 believing that the America he grew up in was still the America he had been elected president of. Sure, he understood that we had gone astray and that he was going to be the change agent we needed by harnessing the wave of dissatisfaction that started manifesting as far back as Ross Perot. But on another level, he still believed the old norms existed, that  the Old Rules still applied, that the institutions would still do their job for the American people rather than pursue the personal interests of their ruling class leaders. He was wrong about that. The big difference is that Trump 2.0 knows the truth. And he is not going to to play.

I expect that Trump will wield power ruthlessly, that is, without allowing his enemies to set up arbitrary guardrails on the authority that the American people will have been invested in him and that the elitists themselves do not observe. He can be the most consequential president since Reagan, or maybe even FDR, and this time, I expect he will.

Don't think Trump is going to get sidetracked because the Washington Post’s staff is upset. Don't think he is going to allow a bunch of invertebrates into his administration again, people who have zero interest in pursuing the American First agenda. He's experienced the betrayals of these creatures, the leaks, the lies, and the undermining from within. He sees and understands that the people who the establishment tells you are above approach and have endless integrity are usually the scummiest. I'm talking about the Comeys, the Muellers, the Kellys, the Boltons, the Cheneys, all those trash mandarins of a failed regime who got into power with Trump and immediately began sabotaging the policies the American people had voted for.


Of course, Trump is going to be accused of only appointing yes-men, but if they are saying “Yes” to the America First agenda, that's a solid positive.

Day One, I expect Donald Trump to wield the power of the presidency to pardon those of his allies persecuted by the establishment, which is trying to send the message that if you dare oppose them you will be thrown into prison, if not murdered. I expect him to pardon every J6 prisoner – every single one of them – because you cannot have a two-tier justice system where leftists get to run riot while patriots who walk through the Rotunda of our Capitol – it belongs to us, not the ruling class – end up in prison. And he must pardon the other persecuted patriots, the people thrown in jail for years for protesting outside abortion mills and the guy rotting in prison because he made a joke about Hillary Clinton. And then he must go further. He must direct his Department of Justice to settle the legitimate civil rights claims of all these persecuted individuals for millions of dollars each. Did you know that Peter Strzok – the adulterous scumbag FBI creep did so much damage to his country – got a fat stack of bills in a "settlement" of his “legal claims” against the FBI? A wink and a nod, and they paid him off. Well, the New Rules have got to be applied. Our people who have been tormented and betrayed by the federal government need to be made whole, and that means money.

Where will the money come from? From the billions Trump will ceased paying the plethora of leftist NGOs that get federal grants to pursue the pinko agenda and then kickback our tax money to Democrat pols.

Once these injustices get cured, I expect Trump to make an offer – we can going to go back to the Old Rules, but we will have one set of rules toning forward and they will apply to everyone equally. And then he must prosecute, vigorously, the communists, rioters, treasonous activists, and other criminals who are breaking the law in pursuit of political power. No more burning down police stations and walking away unscathed. No more terrorizing Jews on our streets and campuses. Federal prison awaits. Antifa must be dismantled. The left’s foreign links must be exposed and the perps punished. He will uproot the unlawful Democrat money machine which flouts election laws and takes money from foreigners to ruin our country. Yeah, the Democrats will scream and yell and say that Trump is weaponizing the Department of Justice. Well, the Department of Justice should be weaponized against criminals – real criminals, not people whose only crime is loving America.


On the economy, Trump will get the America moving again. It's going to be amazing. We've seen over and over again, starting with JFK when he cut tax taxes and by Ronald Reagan and Trump himself, that when you cut taxes you supercharge the economy. That's going to happen, especially since it's likely we're going to have a Senate majority. Imagine another ‘80s. It’s will be amazing.

But you've also got to cut spending. The deficit will defeat us if we don’t defeat it first. A booming economy is the first step. The second is cutting waste. Billions for illegals? How about nothing except a ride to the border?And welfare? How about the lazy start working again? Keep hearing about jobs. Americans won’t do, so let’s see if they won’t do them if we’re not giving them money to sit on their butts.

We need make government work better, meaning cut the fed payroll and slash regulations. Expect to see Elon Musk put in charge of some sort of government efficiency board. Elon Musk is famous for walking into Twitter and firing 80% of the layabouts and bums on the payroll, loafers who who spent most of their time Tik Tokking. Twitter is now better than ever with a fraction of the overhead, and it is a bastion of free speech. Oh yeah, by the time Trump leaves office, this government will be once again dedicated to free speech.

We're going to have judges who understand what's time it is. There's already been a message sent out to the Federalist Society that its folks too often prioritize institutionalism over constitutionalism. Trump is not making that mistake again. He will nominate judges who are going to judge properly, and when you judge properly, you judge conservatively. It's a disgrace that you can draw a judge in a political case and anticipate what the outcome is going to be without regard to the law. That's going to stop. I expect Trump to replace two justices – Alito and Thomas – and appoint at least one or two more. He's going to lock in a truly conservative – that is proper – Supreme Court for decades. This alone is going to make him hugely consequential.


Our military is going to get back to the warfighting focus that once made it the most feared force in the world and the most powerful one in human history. Look for DEI to be banned – no compromises, no half steps – but banned, Day One, by order of the commander-in-chief. No more of this nonsense. The generals and admirals who resist will be doing Trump a favor because they will identify themselves for culling. They must be relieved and retired, at a rank below their present rank because if you are relieved you did not satisfactorily serve in your present rank. The conspiracy to morph the American military into a leftist cultural force that would be willing to kill Americans for its elite masters will end.

We will become into energy independent again. We will become a powerhouse of power throughout the world, exporting what we don’t need for ourselves. But we will also see a second dawn of nuclear power. Safe, clean, and endless, nuclear power offers an amazing way forward for our country. You can tell by the way the leftist hate it.

Overseas, American enemies will learn their most important lesson – if you screw with Americans, you and everyone around you are going to die. It is utterly intolerable that it's been over a year that the semi-human savages of Hamas have held Americans hostage. They killed dozens of Americans on October 7th, and we have failed to avenge it sevenfold. Inexcusable. Those disgusting creatures felt safe to put their filthy paws on American citizens because they knew that our sissy establishment would rather cover for them, hold back the righteous retribution of Israel, and even give these animals our money rather than exact righteous retribution. Ask the random chunks of Soulemani how Trump deals with scum who threaten our citizens. The only thing Trump will give them is a date with 72 virgins, and those virgins will all look like Chris Christie. 


We will have peace in Ukraine and the Middle East. Our allies will know they have we have their backs. But they will also know they need to shape up. NATO is going to have to pay its fair share. No more tossing us the bill for their security while they squander their dough on foreign imports from the Third World. And this current obsession in what used to be free Western Europe with censoring the speech of their own people, and presuming to tell Americans like Elon Musk what they can and can't say, is going to end. Nobody is going to tell Americans what they can say. No one. You feeling me, UK?

We're going to face down China. We're not going to kiss up to it. We're not going to allow its provocations to stand. We're going to rebuild our military, including building many more ships and asserting our right to sail where we please. And Trump will make them pay for their cyber campaign to infiltrate our data systems. We're also not going to let China rampage through our civilian and government research and development. Right now, American counterintelligence is so wrapped up in DEI nonsense that it refuses to even face the fact that Chinese intelligence is threatening the relatives of Chinese Americans to make them spy. It sad, but real – do you wonder why every new ChiCom weapon system looks just like our counterpart? We're going to start facing that, and we're not going to care if they call us “racist” because we pull the security clearance of people who are clearly compromised. As for the Iranian fetishists who've been handing over classified material to the mullahs from their positions within the Biden administration, time’s up. They're gone from their jobs, their security clearances are gone, and when we get proof of their spying they're off to Supermax.

When Trump is finished with his second term, America will be great again. We will once again outlaw crime. We will treat criminals like what criminals are – criminals. We will not be sucked into the vortex of racial, gender, and similar stupidities that dominate Democrat policy. Every American is going to have a chance to succeed based on his or her – and there are only on his and her Americans – talents, hard work, and skill.


America, after a second Trump term, will look more like the America Boomer/Gen X folks like me who grew up in. We want that for the young folks. That will be our gift to the next generations. They never had the advantage of growing up in the 80s and 90s. They never saw what we saw. They never lived how we lived. They never felt how we felt – as proud Americans, optimistic about the future, powerful citizens of the greatest nation on the face of the Earth and in human history. That's what Trump will give us again.

Be part of history. Go out – right now – and vote.

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