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It's Time to Crush Our Opponents

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/John Locher

Editor's Note: Watch the latest episode of Kurt Schlichter's "Stream of Kurtiousness" below! ---> Join Townhall VIP to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP columnVIP podcast, and, of course, the "Stream of Kurtiousness" video series! All uncensored! Use promo code KURT to get 50% off your membership.

Radical Democrats have been operating under the premise that America is illegitimate, and therefore, all Americans are illegitimate, and everything we want, need, and desire and anything we have that is an interest is illegitimate, and that doesn't leave you with a lot of space to work together for a greater tomorrow. There's nowhere to go, and Old School Republicans didn't get that. But Trump and the new guys do. When Donald Trump gets into the White House in January 2025, we can't pretend it's 20 years ago. We need to actively and aggressively seek to crush our opponents.



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