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Adam Kinzinger Goes After Matt Gaetz for Being Right

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Hey, everybody! Welcome to this week's edition of Stream of Kurtiousness. I am Kurt Schlichter. This is Townhall VIP, and this is my special five-minute wrap up of what's going down. You know what's going down? My ankle. There's something wrong with my ankle. I don't know what it is. When you get old, stuff just starts hurting. It's like I broke my ankle, and I didn't break it. It just sort of broke. So I'm hobbling around, you know, like Tiny Tim with a little crutch and stuff. But I'm still here for you. I'm still delivering the quality commentary, insights, and, well, insults that you love. So let's talk about Adam Kinzinger, should we?

Warning: Contains Strong Language

Adam Kinzinger, that piece of human garbage. He's a purported Republican from Illinois, and he's a reliable suck-up. He's like a Mitt Romney who was in the Air Force. And boy, he milks that.

You can always rely on him to take the Democrats' side, whether it's voting for impeachment, voting for the Capitol Hill Minisurrection Nuremberg Trials, whatever. He's always there. He's like the Renfield to the Dracula that is the Beltway Cowgirl Liz Cheney. And, of course, she's Dracula because she sucks! Get it?

Kinzinger's wetting himself today because Matt Gaetz accurately pointed out that the Second Amendment is designed to deter and defeat tyranny in the form of an overreaching government. Now, apparently, Kinzinger is in favor of that. You know, it's weird about Kinzinger because as much of a suck-up as he is to his Democrat friends, they're still going to ram him in his fourth point of contact when gerrymandering comes around. They're going to erase his district. So all that tongue bathing, all that sucking up, will come to not. He will light his dignity on fire on an altar of self-preservation, and it will all turn to ashes in his soft, girlish, little hands, which is kind of amusing.

Anyway, he tweeted something about Matt Gaetz saying that demonstrable truth about the purpose of the Second Amendment, by saying, "He should be prosecuted and thrown out of the Congress because because because because you can't yell 'fire' in a crowded theater!"

Okay, lawyer test. Lawyer test. Are you ready?

If you say, not ironically, you can't yell fire in a crowded theater as some sort of explanation of how the First Amendment works, you're a freaking clown. Okay? You're an idiot.

The case it came for was one where the government was arresting people for saying things, and it was overturned, and the analogy doesn't even work even in the context of the case that allowed government fascism that is no longer the law. But, when you're the media's b**** du jour like Adam Kinzinger is, no one's going to check that, nobody's going to go back in the media and say, "You know, Representative for-not-very-long Kinzinger, you do realize that's bull****, right?" That ain't going to happen. Instead, they're going to say, "Oh, oh, can you come on 'Maddow' and expound on your insights?" You moron.

Now the latest thing is Marjorie Taylor Greene using a Holocaust analogy against anti-Semitism. And now, apparently, you're anti-semitic if you're saying the Holocaust is bad and comparing bad acts now to the Holocaust. It kind of gives me a headache. But, only if I credit this bull**** enough to try and treat it rationally because it's obvious bull****. I mean, you have Beltway Cowgirl Liz Cheney running around saying, "It's the Big Lie! It's the Big Lie that the election was stolen," which is a Nazi analogy because the "Big Lie" was one of the Nazi things. So, apparently, you can do it, except when you can't. 

And, of course, no Democrat's ever used a Nazi analogy about a Republican. Don't you guys remember Chimpy McBush Hitler Halliburton? I remember. Yes, I am old enough to remember when Nazi analogies were a-okay, which would've been last week. And they will be next week as long as it's not Marjorie Taylor Greene doing it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, of course, is becoming the most popular Republican in Congress. I find that absolutely hysterical. Look, I got 99 problems, and Adam Kinzinger ain't one. Or you could go with the original lyrics, which is "a b**** ain't one" because they both get you to the same place.

Here's what I say. When these toadies suck up to the media and get their 15 minutes of fame, like Cheney and Kinzinger, mock them, mock them mercilessly. They hate that because the most important thing to them is their dignity. And, of course, they've tossed that away for transitory praise by people who hate us.

Don't give it to them. Point out that they suck. And point out that they suck all the time.

This is the Stream of Kurtiousness, see you next week.


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