Why Biden's Staff Might Be Supremely Irritated With Obama Right Now
Who Is 'Wanda The Stuffer'? And Why Did She Get Arrested.
A Biden Spokesperson Did Not Just Say *That* to Explain Joe's Wandering Off...
Bill Maher's Father's Day Message Is Almost Perfect
New Video Montage Shows Why Most Americans Think Biden Is Too Old to...
Another Big Huge Biden Lie
Biden Admin to Announce Largest Relief Program for Millions of Illegal Immigrants
Pro-Hamas Agitators Show Up to Ted Cruz's Home for the 23rd Time
As Joe Manchin Leaves the Democratic Party, West Virginia Politics Sure Have Changed
New Bill Would Automatically Enlist Men Into the Draft
Why This Airport Is Bursting at the Seams With Illegal Immigrants
Trump Reveals the Two Democrats He Plans to Oust
Black Detroit Pastor Criticizes Biden, Obama But Thanks Trump for Coming to the...
Liberal Media Tries to Play With Fire on Trump’s Birthday, But It Doesn’t...
El Savador Illegal Immigrant Charged With Rape, Murdering a Mother of Five

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

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