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5 Uncomfortable Truths About Liberals

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When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they’re doing so for purely selfish reasons. It’s the human equivalent of a puppy dog’s face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes”Greg Gutfeld

1) Most liberals are hateful people. Who are the most hateful people you can think of off the top of your head? If you're not a liberal, the first people that probably come to mind are the God hates f@gs lunatics from Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church. What type of human beings would do sick protests at funerals? Well, liberals have their own version of this. Whenever a prominent conservative gets sick or dies, there's an orgy of celebratory hatred on the Left. It happened with Reagan, Breitbart and every other big name conservative in between.

Bill Maher, Barney Frank, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, Amanda Marcotte, Ed Schultz, Dan Savage, Ted Rall, Al Sharpton, etc., etc. are some of the most hate-filled people you'll ever run into outside of a maximum security prison, but liberals consider it to be okay because their hate is aimed at conservatives, who are acceptable targets. This is why liberals felt perfectly comfortable attacking Sarah Palin's children, harassing Michelle Malkin's family until they had to move, and publicly posting the addresses of ordinary citizens who opposed Prop 8. They're hate-filled people who are constantly accusing EVERYONE ELSE of behaving the way they do on a daily basis. So, if you want to find the most hate-filled people in America, look for a liberal lecturing other people about how important it is not to hate people and you're practically guaranteed to be looking at a hate-filled person.


2) Liberals do more than any other group to encourage race-based hatred. It's amazing how much we still hear about Nazis and the KKK, even though they're both marginalized, nearly powerless groups of misfits and losers. On the other hand, how marginalized are the hatemongers on the Left? MEChA is allowed in public schools, Al Sharpton is on TV every night, and Democratic congressmen are still willing to appear on stage with Louis Farrakhan.

But that's no surprise because promoting racial strife at every opportunity is an actual Democratic campaign strategy. Almost the entire message of the Democratic Party to large swathes of the electorate is, "Everybody who doesn't look like you hates you except us." There are plenty of liberals who have jobs almost solely because they're willing to incessantly shout "racism" to help the Democratic Party. We even have groups of professional grievance mongers like CAIR, La Raza, and the New Black Panther Party that work incessantly to stir up race hatred because it's good for fund raising and gives them a reason to justify their existence. If the Nazi Party or the KKK had tried to come up with a system to keep people hating each other based on skin color, they couldn't have ever created anything as effective as the one liberals have now implemented.

3) Most liberals are less moral than other people. You won't see liberals being accused of being hypocritical if it turns out that they don't have "good family values," commit adultery, or don't live up to their Christian beliefs because they don't really buy into any of those things. Liberals incessantly attack the church and they seldom talk about morals because if they have no morals, then no one can ever accuse them of being hypocrites. This is also why liberals feel so comfortable lying about conservatives. The standard with liberal blogs, papers, and cable news outlets isn't accuracy; it is doing damage to conservatives. It's considered perfectly acceptable amongst liberals to lie about conservatives, Christians, and anybody else who gets in the way of liberalism. The problem for liberals is that you can't smear and mock people for believing in morals, traditions, and family values while simultaneously credibly claiming to have them yourself.


4) Most liberals don't care if the policies they advocate work or not. This may seem like an alien concept to a lot of people, but liberals don't push policies based on whether they improve people's lives or not. To the contrary, liberals support policies that make them feel good about themselves or alternately, help cement liberals in power. This is why liberals don't care whether tax revenues go up after a tax cut, whether high taxes on the rich kill jobs, or how high your gas prices go because they don't want to drill. To liberals, a policy that kills millions but makes them feel good about themselves is a win, not a loss. See the Left's cut- off of military aid to South Vietnam for one example of that and their opposition to the use of DDT, which is needlessly killing 1.5 million people a year in Africa. Conservatives would be happy to reverse that ban, but it makes liberals falsely feel like they're good environmentalists to keep it in place; so all those poor people in Africa have to die for no reason other than to prop up the fragile self esteem of pampered left-wingers here in the United States.

5) Most liberals are extremely intolerant. Liberals talk incessantly about tolerance and yet they lash out whenever anyone dares to present a view that doesn't toe the liberal line. Conservative college speakers usually need extra security because budding liberal fascists often try to shout them down or assault them. Liberals desperately try to censor talk radio, which they don't even listen to, because they can't stand the idea that someone else is allowed to have a contrary opinion. Why do you think liberals get so upset about a conservative-leaning news station like Fox News, when ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN all lean to the left? It's because liberals don't think people should be allowed to have an opinion that differs from their own.


Amazingly, if you listen to liberals, you'll find that they don't even understand what tolerance is in the first place. Actual tolerance means that you realize people have different practices and views and even if you don't agree, you understand that they should have the ability to live as they choose, just as you should have the leeway to live as you choose. On the other hand, liberals have a fascistic view of tolerance, which really isn't surprising since liberalism and fascism are merely different branches of the same tree. To liberals, tolerance is, by definition, whatever their opinion happens to be. So, to be tolerant, you have to agree with them. People who don't even know what tolerance is shouldn't be lecturing everyone else on the subject.

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