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If Non Citizens May Vote, What Is the Point of Being a U.S. Citizen?

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AP Photo/Eric Gay

It is beyond incredible that someone who is not a citizen of the United States could vote in any election on any level. Yet, five states and one jurisdiction already allow it on some level: California, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Vermont, as well as Washington D.C. Do you notice any common denominator? They are all hotbeds of Leftist rhetoric.


Not Universally Secure by Any Stretch

Only four states in the union have secured citizen-only voting, including Utah, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. Another seven states – Arizona, Colorado, North Dakota, Ohio, Alabama, Louisiana, and Florida – have amendments that, fortunately, recently passed for citizen-only voting.

Now for a sickening reality: 34 other states are what calls “up for grabs.” In other words, every other state in the Union potentially could be allowing non citizens to vote at some time in the near or distant future. 

Let’s assess what noncitizen voting actually means to U.S. citizens. Suppose you've lived here your entire life. You pay taxes. Your kids are of school age. You have voted in previous elections at the local, state, and national levels. You adhere to our nation’s laws. You've never been arrested or even cited for a crime. 

Suddenly, people in your town, perhaps even in your neighborhood, who arrived here one week ago, or however long it’s been, are allowed to vote even though they have no right to. They have not gone through the legal channels to attain citizenship. Some may be awaiting a work permit. Some could have legal cases pending; the process of applying for citizenship can be long and arduous. Most have simply crashed our borders.

What is the Point?

Once a noncitizen is allowed to vote at any level, local, state, or national, that action imperils what it means to be a U.S. citizen. Indeed, if a noncitizen can vote, what is the point of being a U.S. citizen? Why should we pay taxes? Why should we adhere to the laws of this country? 


Noncitizen voting is the quintessential pipe dream of Leftists. If others can skip vital steps and be afforded the rights and privileges that heretofore had been reserved for citizens of the United States, the phenomenon diminishes the citizenship of everyone. 

In my state of North Carolina, for example, in the last few years, the Democrats have lost tremendous numbers of voters who have moved to independent status or, in some cases, Republican status. 

For Democrats to win the governorship or elect legislators and all other officials, they need to replace the vast numbers of voters they have lost. The same math essentially applies to our national elections. 

A Giant Leap Backward

It's not a great leap to understand why Biden and company applaud having six to nine million people crash our gates and look forward to another four million or so before the 2024 election. 

Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, and the usual gang of Marxists can protest to their dying day that they're doing everything they can to maintain control of the border. In truth, they encourage and approve of the invasion. Why not? It might be one of the few things that keeps the Democratic Party alive in selected states.

Democrats will make arguments for noncitizen voting sound good, but the reasoning ultimately is lame. They'll say some of these noncitizen voters pay taxes. Or they hold a responsible job. Or they drive a motor vehicle. How nice, and if they are not citizens, they should not allowed to vote. 


Citizenship is not a right of those who simply reside here. It is a privilege, and it is a legal construct. To be a citizen of the United States means something. It is not a title handed out willy-nilly at the discretion of one political party, nor is the right to vote at the discretion of one political party.

To Be an American

Multi-millions of patriots from our founding to the present have fought and died to preserve our freedoms, to uphold what it means to be an American, and what it means to have American citizenship. 

Anything that besmirches the efforts of so many over so many years is an insult to us all.

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