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Joe Biden, Puppet-in-Chief

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AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Senator Tom Cotton (AR-R), among the emerging stars on the right, has sounded the alarm: Democratic presidential assumptive nominee, Joe Biden, will be a tool of ultra-radical, Left-wing Democrats if he is elected. One wonders, is Biden merely a puppet, someone the Democratic Party eagerly seeks to control? Or is he a Trojan horse who might roll along for a while, lulling the GOP to sleep?


Close to the time of the Democrat’s virtual convention or even thereafter, will he 'suffer' a mental breakdown and will, say, Hillary Clinton be drafted, thus sparing her from any campaigning, spending, or Trumpian attacks 'til then? 

The political aims of the Left, while maniacal to those of us who prefer a free and constitutional republic, do not include them committing political suicide this election season. They know that between now and November, regardless of any results that pollsters issue, Biden's potential for being elected sinks further with each mental lapse.

For now, in unison it seems, everyone on the Left is playing a gigantic game of 'Let's Pretend.' Let's pretend Joe Biden is coherent, healthy, and capable of being the commander-in-chief. Let's pretend that nothing will happen between now and the election that turns off tens of millions of voters to Biden. Let's pretend that anyone we run against Donald Trump is going to be favored because Trump, after all, is so utterly incompetent.

To Partially Serve

Many Democrats, however, are aware that Donald Trump would demolish Joe Biden in any debate. After one debate, even low information voters would know that Biden is cognitively impaired and no longer able to hold any public office.

As virtually everyone knows, Biden's pick for VP is vital because few people expect he will finish a four-year term. Thus, Elizabeth Warren, fully prostituting her political views once again, proclaims that Biden is innocent of sexual misdeeds. Kamala Harris, lacking any political scruples, is another hopeful. Susan Rice, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Karen Bass, and Tammy Duckworth are all being vetted by Biden’s handlers. 


No matter what occurs between today and the virtual DNC, if the ruling class suspects Joe Biden might not be able to serve, they will act swiftly. As the world has discovered, Democrats are predisposed to high-stakes scheming. They skillfully removed Bernie Sanders from contention during the 2016 primary run to pave the way for Hillary Clinton. They did the same in early 2020 to clear the path for Biden, whose chances once seemed remote. Now, however, Biden might be ‘unselected’ in an instant.

The Left’s Go-To Candidate

Hillary Clinton, who received the majority of the popular vote in the last election, is the Left's ideological favorite. They are keen about having Hillary, a devoted Saul Alinksy acolyte, in the White House, bringing her sexually deranged HINO (husband in name only) Bill with her.

Hillary will appear to be a more durable candidate this time around, for many reasons. Having been able to skip the nomination process and, during the lockdown, not having to crisscross America, people will forget how she literally stumbled in 2016. Add in the pandemic, and the criticism she can levy against Donald Trump, for this or that, while proclaiming that she would have done a better job, and you have the formula for her vaulting ahead in the already skewed polls.

What people forget is that the previous administration was less adept at dealing with far smaller crises. Consider Obama and Biden with the 2010 Gulf oil spill. Their handling of it was a complete fiasco. Major media, including The New York Times and The Washington Posttook them to task. They couldn't cap the spill in under two months. Yet, each of them has the gall to criticize President Trump over one of the most trying situations – the virus outbreak – a president has ever faced.        


Less Immune, More Conniving

Hillary Clinton will be immune to many issues this time. Worse, the Democratic apparatus for hacking the election is keener now than in 2016. They will demand all mail-in votes everywhere which, of course, will lead to massive election fraud. They will flood the voting process with dead people, illegal aliens, and repeat voters.

Although Trump should be a shoo-in, it could be ultra-challenging this election season. You can't take anything for granted, especially on November 3rd, 2020.

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