The March for Life Education and Defense Fund, host of the annual March for Life, virtually announced their 2021 theme, Together Strong: Life Unites, with the help of some pro-life leaders.
Among the 27 prominent voices featured were fellow Townhall columnist Katie Yoder, Heritage Foundation President Kay Cole James, Alveda King, Live Action president Lila Rose, Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America, and Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List.
Per the event’s organizers, Mother Theresa served as inspiration. The organization’s email explained:
Inspiration for the theme came from Mother Teresa’s words, which are so clearly reflected in the dedication of all those who work to protect the precious gift of life: “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
The power of the pro-life community lies in the beautiful truth that we are called to do different things, yet we share the same end goal of making abortion unthinkable. You are building a culture of life in so many ways; maybe you volunteer at a local pregnancy center, pray outside abortion clinics, or vote to protect the most vulnerable. All of us are needed to accomplish our goal of ending abortion.
Here’s more context behind the theme:
From the moment we wake up
Until the movement lay our heads down
What we do matters.
We're endowed by our Creator
with certain inalienable rights
including the Right to Life.
Each and every one of us
Has an important role to play
In building a culture of life.
What you can do to build it up
Is different than what I can do,
But both are important
And both are needed.
Our life, every life, has the amazing potential
To make an impact for good.
From the moment of conception to natural death,
We all are valuable and we all can make a difference.
You and I are different people.
We each have a unique set of experiences and opportunities,
Gifts and passions.
When we put our diverse strengths toward our common mission,
We are Together Strong.
Individually we each have our own mission to share the value of every life.
And together, our strengths and gifts can end abortion
We can give a voice to the voiceless.
Together, we can keep generations stronger and united.
Together, we can uphold the dignity of all life.
Together, we can do great things.
Together, we are not alone.
So stay in the cause for life,
Stand for life,
Because life is winning.
Life Unites!
MFL, Exercising Caution, Won’t Let COVID Ruin Festivities
The annual march is slated to occur Friday, January 29, 2021, pending no interruptions by the novel coronavirus. Many believe the pandemic will have receded by then. Let’s pray that’s the case.
When pressed about the global pandemic and if it would interfere with plans, MFL President Jeannie Manici said, “Listen, we marched during the blizzard of 2016, we’ve marched during government shutdowns, we marched after 9/11, we will march again this year.”
Mancini added, “We’ve marched for 47 years, and no sacrifice is too great to fight this human rights abuse of abortion.”
The U.S Continues to Trend Pro-Life—And That’s a Good Thing
Polls continue to show pro-life gains in public opinion. Most of all, it’s now largely seen as an issue crossing racial, political, cultural and religious lines. As it should.
According to some recent data on attitudes regarding late-term abortion, more Americans are voicing opposition to abortion after the first trimester. Even those who consider themselves “pro-choice” support limitations on abortions. There’s still much to accomplish on this front, but we can applaud the strides being made. Baby steps!
What’s also fascinating is more young people are trending pro-life — a trend that continues to be confirmed each year. It’s hard to dispute this, especially if you’ve attended a March for Life event in-person.
Why the March Will Continue to Catch On
Earlier this year, President Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to attend and address the March for Life. His presence forced the media to cover the rally and its massive crowd.
Detractors in the media, public policy, and entertainment cannot ignore pro-lifers, champions of life from cradle to grave, anymore. They are an indomitable force to be reckoned with.
I hope to be present at the March next year and hope you plan on it too.
Learn more about the 2021 March for Life here. Follow MFL on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.