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Mass Insanity in Response to Hamas Brutality

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Khalil Hamra

The entire world is witness to a form of mass insanity. In response to the brutal murder of more than 1,200 innocent people by a gang of savage terrorists together with the taking of more than 200 hostages, people and governments are supporting the murderers and, in so doing, are committing a moral sin of cosmic proportions. The collective disgrace is beyond comprehension.


The pressure seems to be focused on Israel, instead of on the Hamas murderers. The Biden/Harris administration, many Western governments, protestors on college campuses, and even Israeli citizens are siding with the terrorists. “Why isn’t Netanyahu doing more to gain the release of the hostages?” “Why aren’t we insisting on a ceasefire?” This is what happened after October 7th and it happened again this week when Hamas brutally murdered six hostages. What they are all missing is that Netanyahu didn’t kill those people, Hamas terrorists did.

Attorney Leo Terrell put it succinctly: “Where’s the pressure on Hamas?” Alan Dershowitz agreed. The question, Dershowitz said, is not why isn’t Israel doing more to gain the release of the hostages. The question is, why isn’t Hamas releasing the hostages? “Bring them home” puts the onus on Israel. The slogan should be, “Let them go.” Israel does not have a responsibility to sacrifice its national security. No, Hamas has a clear obligation to release the hostages.

The protests have nothing to do with ceasefires, Dershowitz says, they have to do with cease Israel. Hamas’ stated goal is the elimination of the State of Israel. If Israel agrees to a ceasefire, Hamas wins. Hamas will be free to reconstitute itself and continue its assaults on Israel. That is why Netanyahu is correct in aiming for the complete obliteration of Hamas.

The craziness of the response to the Hamas atrocities was articulated by British commentator Piers Morgan: “I was in London on October 7th. There were thousands of people gathering near the Israeli embassy. I mistakenly thought they were there in support of the people of Israel. They were there celebrating what Hamas has done to innocent Israeli civilians. There were thousands within hours. In New York. In London. In Sydney. People were saying ‘gas the Jews.’ These are supposedly civilized democratic societies—the instinctive response of the populaces in these countries was to celebrate what happened. That’s a terrifying thing.”


"They are cheering on a terrorist organization,” said Lara Trump. “An organization that beheads babies, that murders Holocaust survivors, that holds people hostage.” Every time you support Hamas, said Victor Davis Hanson, you’re supporting murder. “You’re no different than the people who go across and butcher civilians.”

“The Democratic Caucus is afraid to stand up against terrorists,” said Newt Gingrich. Democrats are “opposed to the survival of Israel. There is no question in my mind that AOC and Ilhan and Tlaib and their friends are just plain pro-terrorist members,” Gingrich said. “In the left wing of the Democratic Party, anti-Semitism and the desire to destroy Israel is now a dominant, real factor.”

The position of the Biden/Harris administration is purely political, says Leo Terrell. The Democrats are concerned about the Muslim Arab population in Michigan. “If they don’t win Michigan,” says Terrell, “they can’t win the election so that’s the game plan right now. Guess who’s being sacrificed—who’s being thrown under the bus? Jewish-Americans and the State of Israel. Israel is our strongest ally and the Biden/Harris administration has abandoned them.”

What about Harris the presidential candidate? “Harris is signaling that she is not going to lift a finger for Israel,” says Terrell. Trump is the only one who has Israel’s back.

The media has played a major role in advancing a hostile attitude toward Israeli self-defense, intentionally depicting Palestinians as innocent victims. In fact, there is nothing innocent about the inhabitants of Gaza. The vast majority of Palestinians approve of the October 7th atrocities and Hamas’ intention to kill Jews.


CNN has argued that Israel violates international law when it targets civilian sites in Gaza. Not true. Israel has done more to prevent civilian harm than any military in history. Civilians usually account for 80-90% of casualties, a ratio of one combatant to 9 civilians. In Gaza, the ratio is one combatant to 1.5 civilians. Israel receives no applause, only one-sided condemnation. 

The breakout of antisemitic protests is largely attributable to growing Muslim influence in the West. According to Jihad Watch, 57% of American Muslims agree that the Hamas atrocities were justified. “Immigration has imported terrorism and support for it inside the United States,” Jihad Watch reports. “Islamic terrorism has become endemic and indigenous to America. How long until we have our own ‘Hamas’ in America?”

The celebration of Hamas that is spreading across America and Western Europe is symptomatic of moral disintegration. As Douglas Murray explains in The Strange Death of Europe, Europeans and Americans are increasingly unable to argue for the advantages of Western culture and accomplishments. Those who support Hamas atrocities are contributing to the destruction of our own moral standards. This is nothing less than mass insanity. 

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of ten books including two No. 1 Amazon Best Sellers, AMERICA ON ITS KNEES: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.


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