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The Most Detestable Action of Any President in My Lifetime

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AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

The first motion picture I was paid to appear in as an actor was Paddy Chayefsky’s Network, famous for the line spoken by Peter Finch: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” That is how I am feeling this week with the combination of Biden’s proposed amnesty policy and the possibility of Donald Trump going to jail.


The lawfare campaign against Trump is reprehensible. Its harmful impact on our legal system should not be underestimated. However, when Trump is elected in November, he will see to it that the entire legal mess will go away. That can’t be said about the long-term effects of Biden’s border policy. This tragedy takes the cake as the worst action of any president in my lifetime.

Most Americans agree that allowing millions of unvetted illegals to pour across the southern border is terrible for our country. The open border policy has the potential to destroy the U.S. economy. Disruption in local communities is already proving to be catastrophic. The social costs of deadly drugs, violent criminals, terrorists, and COVID spreaders constitute the worst public safety issue since World War II.

“Biden’s border policies are empowering drug cartels to turn human smuggling into a multi-billion-dollar industry,” says “Those policies allow fentanyl to pour into our country, leading to the No. 1 cause of death among young Americans. Those policies leave Americans more vulnerable to terrorist attacks and infiltration from foreign enemies, including the Chinese Communist Party.”

“Biden’s open borders are by design,” said Tom Homan, former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “He came into office, signed executive orders, and dismantled the immigration system the Trump administration built. The magnitude of this crisis simply cannot be overstated.”


The Democrats are using amnesty to exceed the dirty tricks they pulled during the 2020 election. Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen said that he has uncovered proof that the Biden administration is registering illegal migrants to vote. “Biden issued an executive order to offer mass amnesty to illegal immigrants currently residing in our country,” said Allen. “It is clear that Biden is attempting to win the upcoming election, not by winning over legitimate American voters, but by attempting to legitimize illegal immigrants. He won’t stop with this EO. He will keep attempting to dilute the power of the vote of legal Americans.”

“Americans know this amnesty plan will only incentivize more illegal immigration and endanger Americans,” agreed House Speaker Mike Johnson. “This is proof-positive of the Democrats’ plan to turn illegal aliens into voters.”

With no apparent regard either for public sentiment or for the facts, Biden continues to enable the tidal wave. “What is the Biden administration’s official policy and endgame on the border and immigration?” asked Chuck Devore at Texas Public Policy Foundation. “Simply put: overwhelm America with millions of illegal immigrants and force Republicans to the table to agree to grant citizenship to millions of people here illegally while promising to secure the border.”

"A deluge of illegals will be given immediate green cards and put on the fast track to rapid citizenship so they can vote," said President Trump yesterday. "Crooked Joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry. Our country is under invasion, and we should not be talking about amnesty; we should be talking about stopping the invasion instead," Trump said.


"Congress has, for decades, refused to grant citizenship to illegal aliens," said Stephen Miller, president of America First Legal. "Now, acting as a tyrant king, Biden is circumventing Congress and incinerating the Constitution to unilaterally grant a pathway to citizenship to what will amount to potentially millions of illegals." He added that once the immigrants are granted citizenship, they would have "full access to welfare, entitlements, the voting booth, and chain migration, meaning entire illegal alien extended family networks will be made into full voting citizens."

 Instead of benefiting from Europe’s experience, America is ignoring the lesson that uncontrolled immigration of people who refuse to assimilate can be suicidal to the host country. We can’t assimilate the 10-20 million or more that have already smuggled themselves into the U.S. Try to imagine what will happen if we take in additional millions. We cannot afford to admit everyone who wants to come, nor is our government under any legal or moral obligation to satisfy the desires of the entire planet.

Donald Trump had the border under control. Trump's policy forced migrants to remain in Mexico while awaiting their immigration proceedings in the U.S. Reversing that policy and opening the border is an act of treason. Article III of the U.S. Constitution states: “Treason against the United States shall consist . . . in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” By allowing the border to remain open, Biden is giving aid and comfort to aliens who show contempt for our laws and sovereignty and who, by definition, are enemies of the United States.


Even a Trump victory in November will not fix the situation. Biden has already done incalculable damage to the United States. He gets my vote for the worst president in our history.

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of two No. 1 Amazon Best Sellers, AMERICA ON ITS KNEES: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden, and THE WAR ON WHITES: How Hating White People Became the New National Sport.

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