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The Thrill (Up the Leg) Is Gone

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Listening to Democrats and their allies in the corrupt media going nearly apoplectic, something akin to dancing a convulsive spastic jitterbug over the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Trump, one would almost think that something very nefarious is going on.  Almost that is.  Fortunately many of us are able to separate the purely partisan garbage spewed out by the corrupt American news media from what is the reality.


Political hacks like Chris “there’s a thrill running up my leg” Matthews haven’t a clue what most Americans want from our government.  Mathews and his ilk have for decades appointed themselves as some sort of arbiters of truth, when the reality is that they are as dishonest, corrupt, and despicable as the candidate they had hoped to see stroll into the White House in January and be sworn in as America’s first woman president.

For nearly thirty years the Democrats and the media were invested in making Hillary Clinton President of the United States.  Last November they watched as their fantasies of a Hillary presidency were dashed by Donald J. Trump.  They simply cannot accept that their decades long efforts were for naught.  They are emotionally crushed and in denial, and are lashing out at everyone they blame for their lost dreams.  And the main culprit responsible for their anguish is President Donald Trump himself.

Certainly President Trump has brought some of their anger onto himself by his refusal to play by the media’s rules on how they believe that a president should act and behave.  President Trump simply doesn’t respect most of the news media – and rightly so – and his dismissal of their reporting as “fake news” burns their tail feathers.

As for the Democrats, they continue residing in an alternate universe, never understanding what the people of the country they supposedly represent are truly interested in.  They simply haven’t a clue what is important to ‘Main Street America’.


Watching Senate Minority Leader Chuck “where’s the TV camera” Schumer, with veins pulsing decrying the firing of the same FBI director he called for to be fired just months ago, it would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that he holds a position of supposed ‘leadership’ in our government.  My God we deserve better !

Everyone that I talk with regardless of their political persuasion all say the same thing.  Loudly and with conviction, “they are fed up with our government” !  The political gamesmanship that has gone on for decades has worn thin.  Americans simply want their elected officials to start putting partisanship aside and to focus on doing what’s best for America.  Regardless of which party occupies the White House.

Republicans certainly need to get the message as well.  It’s time to stop the silliness in Congress.  How was former Speaker Newt Gingrich able to fulfill a ‘Contract With America’ that brought the Republicans into control of the House after forty years of Democrat rule, while the current Republican leadership can’t seem to agree on anything, much less produce anything of note ?  Haven’t Republicans learned by now that with Democrat control of the corrupt news media Republicans have to do more and do it better ?

So when are Republicans going to start fighting back in the media ?  Democrats continue to win the media battles because they lie, distort, and fabricate, and they play mean and nasty while Republicans try to act as though they’re above the fray.  And as they did with Barack Obama, the corrupt American news media will continue to run interference for the Democrats.


It’s time for Republicans to also play hardball – sorry Chris – and get behind their president and help him return the power of governing this country out of the hands of career politicians and back to the people of America.  THAT would thrill me to no end.

And perhaps also now that James Comey and Loretta Lynch are both gone we may again hear the chants of “lock her up, lock her up”, followed soon after by the sound of handcuffs clicking shut around the wrists of Hillary AND her husband former President Bill Clinton.

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