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What The Left Will Never Understand About Middle Class Americans

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AP Photo/Butch Dill

The progressive left will never, ever understand what real Americans want from their government, because real Americans just want to be left alone by their government. They think we can be bought, they think we can be manipulated into jealousy which will override our natural instincts.  They are wrong. The games that work on their weak-minded coastal voters doesn’t work in “flyover” country, and it never will.


You hear it all the time: Why are these people “voting against their interests?” The vapid husks of humans on MSNBC ask that regularly. They think they can buy votes of Midwesterners and others in the middle of the country. They can’t.


I grew up in Michigan in a lower-middle class family – 7 of us in a small house (that just happens to be for sale by whoever owns it now) with 1 bathroom (at the time, my dad later added a half bath in the basement) – and I have zero memory of being anything but happy. Other people had more, but to the extent we were unaware of what we didn’t have, we didn’t care. 


There was no reality TV or social media seemingly existing to make everyone envious of other people, which may well have been a factor. But the biggest factor was we had two parents who loved us and each other, who weren’t going to suffer us whining about what we didn’t have. It wasn’t really an issue – our summer camping trip to northern Michigan was a blast chosen, we thought, for that reason. I came to find out later it was chosen because the campground was $1 per day, we made it a blast.


If you sit around and obsess on what you don’t have you are going to lead a miserable life. While happiness is not guaranteed, appreciating what you do have will go a long way toward making you happy. 


Most middle class Americans simply want to make enough to cover their bills and have some left over to have fun with family and friends on the weekends. We don’t need mansions or Ferraris, we pretty content. We’d take them, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to rip up a winning lottery ticket, but that’s not a goal that missing is going to ruin my life.


When leftist ask “What’s the matter with Kansas?” or lie about “White Rural Rage,” they’re exposing just how polluted their minds are. They think we can be bought, and don’t understand why we are lining up for the government cheese. 


There’s a very simple reason, aside from our desire to simply be left alone by the government: We see what their policies have done to their voters.


In Michigan, that house I grew up in was 6 blocks outside the city limits for Detroit, 1 block on the wrong side of 8 mile. Everyone saw what slavish loyalty to voting for Democrats created – once the economic engine of the country, the city is a disaster. The downtown area has improved a lot in recent years, but the neighborhoods where people actually live depressed area of economic destruction. 


Democrats did that. Their policies did that. 


The same pot of gold at the end of the rainbow Democrats promised voters in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Philadelphia, etc., has been promised to everyone else, but it’s poison. We see it, we know it.


The only major city not a cesspool of progressive poison is New York, but that’s only because things had gotten so bad they elected a Republican who turned it around. Democrats are in the process of undoing all the good Rudy Giuliani did because he’d made the city so good it gave the left cover to lie again.


We aren’t interested. Like I said, there’s nothing government can offer that will make good people turn against ourselves. That is what is in “our interests,” not “free” handouts and making sure we can suckle up to the government teat.


Paul Krugman and his rich friends deserve your hatred, not because they don’t get this, but because they don’t care. They want to make everyone dependent on government so they can control us. We aren’t interested, which makes his ilk hate us all the more. Good. They’re scum. If people like that don’t hate you, you’re doing it wrong. If they don’t fear you – your political power and everything else – you’re doing that wrong too.


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