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We Should Not Take a Single Palestinian 'Refugee'

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AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

The idea that the United States should import “Palestinian refugees” is being floated by a particularly dense member of “The Squad,” fire alarm enthusiast and emergency exit-challenged New York Democrat Jamaal Bowman. Absolutely not. There is no way to vet any potential refugees, and it should be the Arab world’s responsibility to help out not ours. 


Bowman, easily confused by plainly worded emergency exit signs and shoelaces (probably), said, “Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas.”

This is insane, though not surprising.

The progressive left hates America, any chance they see to increase their ranks they will take.

Does this mean everyone in Gaza hates America? No, of course not. But they’ve been weaned on a steady diet of anti-Semitic and anti-American propaganda designed expressly for the purpose of conditioning them to direct the hatred they feel for their depressing, “oppressed” lives away from the leadership using them as pawns and getting rich off their ignorance. Yasser Arafat didn’t die a billionaire because he hit the PowerBall, after all. Do you really think his successors are living hand-to-mouth?

Wiping a brainwashed mind is possible on an individual basis, it is not on a mass scale. The people of Gaza have to realize they’ve been lied to and act on it on their own, it can’t be imposed on them. And as there is no uprising against the terrorists of Hamas in Gaza, the only assumption that makes any sense is they don’t want to; they are still, at a minimum, sympathetic to the “cause.”


Whatever the case, we don’t need it here. We have enough anti-Semitic, anti-American sentiment in this country – on college campuses and in Congress – already. Ihan Omar, a refugee from Islamic terror in Somalia, is about as sympathetic to the cause of terrorism and radical Islam as you can be. Weirdly, on her third marriage (her second to someone not her brother), she’s one of the few sexually liberated devout Muslim women on the planet, it seems. But what she lacks in martial fidelity, she more than makes up for in hatred of Jews, white people, and anyone who disagrees with her.

You’d think someone drowning might quickly develop an affinity for the lifeboat that saved them from shark infested waters, but that’s not what happened to Omar. Identity politics instilled in her a dedication to people who share her ethnicity and religion over anything else. She only condemns Islamic terrorism when forced, she condemns Jews and America because it’s a day that ends in “Y.” We don’t need more of that, colleges are pumping it out at a fast enough pace to outstrip demand already.

Then we have Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from the district I grew up in back in Michigan. She HATES Jews the way a fat kid hates not having cake. But she was born here. She’s a testament to the power of outrage by proxy.


Tlaib is Palestinian and, therefore, plays the “my people” card and uses that as cover for her hatred of Jews. Has she ever been “wronged” by Jews? Doubtful. It’s other people, maybe family, but the stories she’s heard second-hand from the indoctrination machine. That stuff works on the feeble-minded and people ready to believe. 

Omar and Tlaib are products of the identity politics Democrats practice in this country. If you want to see where what is being preached on college campuses leads, look no further than those two.

The prospect of homegrown terrorist sympathizers and hatemongers is bad enough, we sure as hell don’t need to import more.

Speaking of which, why do you think it is that Arab countries in the region have absolutely ruled out taking in refugees? It’s because they did in the past and it was a disaster. Jordan took in Palestinians after the Six Day War in 1967, and it led to a civil war as Palestinians tried to execute the King. Lebanon hasn’t fared much better.

Leaders in the area have used the “plight of Palestinians” to rally their own citizenry against Israel and away from outrage over their internal corruption, which makes them convenient only at arm’s length. They’ve tolerated or encouraged the indoctrination in the past because it’s been useful, now they want to close the barn door once those chickens are coming home to roost. No. 


As long as Americans and civilians of our allies are held hostage by terrorists, we have to be involved in Israel’s seeking justice. What we do not have to be, what we should never be, is an out for people impossible to vet from an area awash in anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and terrorist sympathies. We already have enough of that, and too many of them are elected Democrats in Congress. We don’t need any more. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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