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The Stench of Desperation

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AP Photo/Paul Holston, File

We’ve all known someone absolutely desperate for a date, a friend who sits around and whines about how no one will ever find them attractive while constantly whining about how they’re alone. They seemingly hit on anyone, approaching women with a Pigpen from Peanuts dust cloud of desperation around them. Naturally, it doesn’t work, which only makes them more desperate. The same is true in the partisan fundraising game.

When someone is running for political office they want to project an aura of confidence, because who wants to back a loser? Eeyore isn’t exactly the most inspiring leader in the world, right?

Somehow, among leftists anyway, the idea that all is lost and no one is supporting us works for them. Or at least it must.

The group “Stop Republicans” appears to make a lot of money this way. Under the subject line “Georgia Senate: PLUMMETING,” the group is trying to desperate their way into the wallets of liberals. 

“This is a hard message to type, Derek,” it starts. “But Raphael Warnock is falling in the polls. If he loses, Joe Biden’s Senate Majority will disappear. And no one - seriously, NO ONE - is donating to boost turnout in Georgia!” Hell of a pep talk, right?

This group I suspect most Democrats have never heard of, which likely bought a list of email addresses from various campaigns in the hope of milking a few more dollars from them, insists they are the difference-makers when it comes to electing Democrats. It’s a bit of a disconnect – pleading how you’re failing while also portraying yourself as the only pathway to success – but it must work.

“And no one - seriously, NO ONE - is donating to boost turnout in Georgia!” they continue. “If we can’t afford to fly our Voter Turnout teams to Georgia, our campaign to save the Senate will fail. Please, Derek, do the right thing.”

It’s the Smokey Bear of politics – Only you can prevent campaign fires, ONLY YOU! And “the right things,” of course, is to give them your money. 

In an attempt to seal the deal, they write, “Democratic Voter Turnout is plummeting across the nation. Our teams can boost turnout by 10.4%... but only if we can afford them.”

You might think the Democratic National Committee might have some influence here, some resources they could allocate to the campaign at hand. After all, the official party would seemingly have an interest in maintaining their majority, at least as much as some random group does.

If they know how to “boost turnout by 10.4%” in any race, I’m fairly certain not only would the DNC currently be driving several Brinks trucks to their location to make this happen, but so would every left-wing billionaire donor who funds so much of what the Democrats do. George Soros wouldn’t be able to write a check fast enough, and Hollywood would already be making a movie about it.

“But we’re still 13,565 gifts short... We know you’re a good Democrat. Just donate $5 to save the Senate!” they beg. Just $5, how can you not give? What, are you some sort of Republican or something?

It ends with a non-sequitur “Our Democratic Majority is hanging by a thread. So if we lose a SINGLE Senate seat next year, Joe Biden’s Majority is GONE!! McConnell takes over the Senate. Our dreams of passing Democratic laws are OVER. That’s why we’re launching an emergency campaign to defend the Senate... but we need 100,000 donations this month if we’re going to get it off the ground.” 

Give us money, for the love of God, give us money! We don’t want to work for a living, please prevent us from having to get a real job! 

Somehow this group raised $89 million last election, according to Open Secrets, so there are a lot of dumb Democrats out there falling for this garbage. 

As with almost every single political action committee, someone is getting rich off this. Sometimes I wish I had no scruples so I could do the same, but a conscience is one hell of a thing. It’s also something else people clearly do not possess. All the money in the world can’t make bad people good. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter


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