It’s easy to get discouraged if you believe in small government and individual liberty.
It seems that the burden of the public sector is always expanding and that politicians and bureaucrats are always figuring out new ways to restrict our freedoms.
But let’s not lose hope.
We still have a lot of economic liberty, particularly if you count non-fiscal policy factors.
And we still have the Second Amendment.
Heck, we don’t just have the right to keep and bear arms, we exercise that right in massive numbers.
Take a look at this impressive graphic. We’re #1 in some bad ways, but it seems we’re also #1 in a very good way.
Make sure to share this graphic with your statist friends and colleagues. It’s guaranteed to put them in a glum mood for the rest of the day!
And when you share this with your misguided acquaintances, ask them why guns don’t cause murder in nations such as Switzerland and Finland. Maybe you’ll have a breakthrough and they’ll confess that gun control isn’t the solution.
Incidentally, in addition to having lots of guns in America, we also are quite ready to defy the government if politicians try to take them away.
What’s happening in Connecticut is merely one example of this wonderful form of civil disobedience.
Since we’re on the topic of gun ownership vs. gun control, here’s another image that will cause heartburn for your leftist friends.
Same theme as the 4th image in this post.
And let’s not forget the best-ever poster on gun control.
Last but not least, here’s a poster sent to me by the PotL.
Join John Ransom and Ransom Note Radio Live from Caesar's Palace May 12-15th! @ the Money Show
It’s the same message found at the top of this post and at the bottom of this post.
If you want more info – both serious and humorous – on gun control, click here.
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