Biden Runs Clean Up After Botching Hurricane Helene Response
Illegal Aliens Arrested for Trying to Steal From Hurricane Victims in Eastern TN
Israeli Forces Have Invaded Lebanon
Is This Photo Flub By Kamala Over Hurricane Helene a Disqualifying Moment?
The Laws Must Be Enforced
No Wonder The New York Times Blames Guns for Illegal Immigration
More Cities Seem to be Destroying an Old Gun Control Myth
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UNRWA Confirms Hamas Leader in Lebanon Was One of Their Own
Senate Democrat Introduces Bill to Expand SCOTUS
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Rashida Tlaib Is Very Upset That Israel Took Out Some Top Terrorists
'FAKE and STAGED': Trump Responds to Kamala Harris' Bogus Post on Hurricane Helene
One Country May Build a Wall Along Its Border

Mary Bruce Shares Fake News on Behalf of Kamala, and The NY Times Demands Trump Remain in His Basement

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Low-Octane Gaslighting – ABC NEWS

  • Are we to assume that repeating false news items is NOT the same as spreading fake news and misinformation?!

ABC News White House correspondent Mary Bruce has been a full-on Joe Biden supporter for years, but with the emergence of Kamala Harris as the party savior, Ms. Bruce has segued to being a card-carrying member of the K-Hive.

In a recent episode of "World News Tonight," debate manipulator David Muir tossed to a Mary Bruce segment where she rhapsodically covered the Harris campaign. In it, Bruce referenced Harris speaking about abortion, and the un-intrepid reporter repeated without question how Harris mentioned the death of a Georgia woman due to that state's toughened abortion laws.

This is pathetic reporting because Bruce even mentioned the flawed and debunked ProPublica article that claimed the woman was a victim of the law.

To rehash this (mostly for the benefit of Mary Bruce), the woman's death resulted from her taking the abortion pill and then having a severe infection as a result. While in the hospital, there were delays in delivering a D&C procedure to treat the problem, but there is no restriction in the law for this treatment, and the ProPublica piece even states that there is no reason known for the delay in her care.

Anti-Social Media – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • Why won't he follow the order to forcibly remove him?!

This weekend, Donald Trump attended the Alabama-Georgia game in Tuscaloosa. The New York Times was clearly bothered by the fact that Trump is not going into hiding following two assassination attempts. The message from this piece by Shawn McCreesh: If they cannot take him out, why is he allowed in public?

Both Kinds of Standards – ASSOCIATED PRESS

  • We are shocked – SHOCKED – that the news syndicate that shared offices with Hamas feels this way.

Recall that if a Republican politician ever passes away the media feel the need to place any controversy attached to them in the headline. As Israel confirmed that it took out high-ranking Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the Associated Press literally went full-Washington Post "Austere" in its coverage. This is amazing in its obliviousness. (Note: This was deemed bad enough that AP has changed this disturbing headline.)

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

  • The film is only in the top 10, why should they cover it?

The surprising performance of the Matt Walsh documentary "Am I Racist?" has not only caught Hollywood off guard – it is scaring them off. Three weeks ago, it shocked many that his exposé landed in the top five box office performers for its opening weekend, and remained there in week two. What has been remarkable is how the entertainment press has completely avoided the movie.

Writing at the Hollywood Reporter, Joel Stein acknowledged this concerted effort to pretend the film does not exist:

There are films that we in the entertainment media fail to notice. In the case of the documentary "Am I Racist?", that whatever reason is that we’re liberals. Not one mainstream media company reviewed the film -- the first theatrical release from Ben Shapiro’s conservative media company The Daily Wire -- which has been in the top 10 for two weeks.

Pathological Media Amnesia – MOTHER JONES

  • Well how DARE this worker deliver well wishes to such a miserable crone!

In a desperate lurch for attention, Mother Jones Editor Clara Jefferies complained to Alaska Airlines that one of the flight attendants on Clara's flight had the audacity to say to her "Have a blessed day" in, what we assume, was offensive fashion. Jefferies has since deleted her desperate tweet, but it is fully covered here.

Making this all the more precious is that Clara fell into the "There's Always A Tweet" trap. Yes, Ms. Jefferies has in the past been one to post this very same allegedly offensive blessing.


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