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The AP Shields Illegal Killers

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News Avoidance Syndrome – ASSOCIATED PRESS

  • We are forced to wonder why these details were not considered pertinent.

One of the narratives we can rely upon in the press is the downplaying of illegal immigrant crime. One reason they can get away with saying it is not an issue, as we have covered before, is that rarely is a criminal’s immigrant status included in police reports. Another is how frequently we have seen illegals being released with little to no charges. But the main reason they claim it is not a major factor is the press shows disinterest in reporting on it – much like the first years of Biden’s term when they denied there was a border crisis.

Now, we have a pair of men accused of severe crimes in Houston, suspected of having murdered Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl. In describing the alleged killers as simply "two men," the Associated Press could not find a way to include – neither in their headline nor the article – that this pair was from Venezuela, nor that they recently entered the country illegally and had been released to the public. 

Note that anytime a Republican is guilty of some crime, their political status makes its way into the headlines. If these had been Donald Trump supporters, that factor, and Trump’s supposed cause of the death, would consume the bulk of the coverage.

Anti-Social Media – MSNBC

  • This goes from callously ignoring a murder to outright disrespect in the name of politics.

Joy Reid displays some of the darkest approaches to the murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, looking at it through only a political prism. We should have expected callousness when Rep. Pramila Jayapal was on Reid’s program, but to see the women approaching this as a story to simply be dismissed while laughing over the details is particularly disturbing.

Pathological Media Amnesia – WASHINGTON POST

  • How does one forget the argument that was made a week ago...?

The media are in a perpetual state of conflict right now regarding the threats they perceive for the nation. Jennifer Rubin has been one of the constant voices to declare the many ways Donald Trump is going to destroy our democracy, but she appears myopic on what threats exist.

Behold as Jenny openly suggests that Joe Biden blast apart the separation of powers and go after what she declares is a broken Supreme Court and reform it.

After telling us that criticizing the judge in the Donald Trump case was an attack on our entire legal system, it would seem that attacking SCOTUS would be considered worse. Instead, it becomes a cagey campaign strategy.

Artisanally-Crafted Narratives – THE ATLANTIC

It has been a long time, but we are still struck by a great delivery from comedian Dennis Leary. Back in the day when global warming was all the rage and the main discussion was there was a hole in the ozone layer we supposedly created, he had a pithy comment: "Great, we broke - the sky!"

We were brought back to that routine by this piece in The Atlantic, where it's striving to be noticed among the various news outlets that are looking at the arrival of summer as a time to point out that we are hotter today. Instead of complaining about the heat, it decided to go in a unique direction: We somehow have managed to ruin rain.

Pre-Written Field Reports – THE NEW YORK TIMES

  • David French once again opposes all of the standards he claims to represent.

You will frequently hear things about wise NY Times pundit David French, many of those spoken by French himself. He is a conservative, he is a Christian, and he is a wise and thoughtful columnist. Funny enough, French always manages to defy those labels, as he usually will be seen penning emotional screeds that complain about conservative policy and disparage Christianity. Now, we have the column that typifies the French style.

The conservative Christian, who was completely broken by Donald Trump to the extent he is rarely critical of Democratic policies (if ever), has written his opposition to the decision in Louisiana to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in classrooms. He claims this is a First Amendment violation (huh?!?!) and alters constitutional law (the separation of church and state is not actually a thing, Dave.) 

So, behold the majesty of a French diatribe: His argument is essentially that displaying the Ten Commandments has no impact whatsoever on students, but…it is somehow vile and pernicious to display them in class? Of course, he completely ignores the basis of including the list, that being it is the foundation of our legal system:

There is a real belief that the Ten Commandments have a form of spiritual power over the hearts and minds of students and that posting the displays can change their lives. I'm an evangelical Christian who believes in God and the divine inspiration of Scripture, but I do not believe that documents radiate powers of personal virtue.


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