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The Real Question of the 2024 Election

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Greetings everyone. Last week, during the Presidential debate held at the National Constitution Center, where no one mentioned the Constitution, the first question posed was poignant. David Muir asked Kamala Harris first if Americans are better off than they were four years ago. Harris went into an infomercial monologue of cobbled-together talking points. Muir didn't redirect to her and asked again, “VP Harris, are Americans better off than they were four years ago?” Of course, we remember that famous question from Ronald Reagan, who was running against Jimmy Carter. The answer then, as well as now, was and is a resounding no.


Yes, that question is relevant today, but it is not the real question of the 2024 election. That question is, “What are you voting for?”

Last week's debate clearly was not a stellar performance for former President Trump; let's admit that. However, that debate's focus was not on policy; it was about what to vote against. And it cannot be debated, excuse the pun, that the two ABC moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis, were enablers and provided a means to that end. We all know, and again, let's be honest, Kamala Harris never answered a question during that debate. What we heard was the same old tired leftist Marxist wealth redistribution talking points: fair share and “from each according to their ability to each according to their need.” Obama started that trend with his “spread the wealth” comment to the now-deceased Joe the Plumber. The government does not invest anything; it spends, and right now, our federal government is spending 25% of our GDP—a record high. That goes along with the record high inflation; it hit 9.1%. This administration ushered it in, and, oh, by the way, they inherited a 1.4% inflation rate.

Harris talked about turning the page. Well, she has been part of the horrific book that has been written. She says her values have not changed, but she has flip-flopped on countless policy statements. So what is it exactly that folks are voting for?


Harris made a statement about America not having any troops in combat zones. Really? Tell that to the sailors deployed in the Middle East. Such an absurd assertion only evidences someone clueless about our national security strategy. Our military is hardly at a top-level state of readiness, but they certainly understand DEI policies and gender dysphoria. And when you consider the numbers of single military-aged illegal immigrant males in our country—and that some are armed—that is quite disconcerting.

It was amazing that the debate moderators did not want to go into more depth about our nation's lack of border security. So, I guess voting for more illegal immigration and subsidizing it is acceptable. And for someone so concerned about women's rights, what about the rights of those women who are brutally raped along the way to America, then forced into sex trafficking? And oh, by the way, how are those women's rights doing in Afghanistan since Kamala Harris and Biden decided to surrender to the Taliban? 

In the pursuit to have people vote against, it is absurd for those who have been in office for nearly four years to blame everything on a predecessor...then again, Obama blamed Bush for eight years.

Speaking of Obama, the question about racial division was another attempt to have people vote “against”—not “for.” These progressive socialists are the true racists and race baiters. What is Critical Race Theory (along with DEI and a little 1619 Project) all about, if not racial divisiveness? I found it hilarious when Harris wanted to bring up Charlottesville and Trump, a debunked story. Yet, she was never asked about Biden's quote from his speech at the DNC, where he mentioned that pro-Hamas supporters had a point. What point is that? Murdering and raping innocent women and killing children and babies? What is the point of supporting an Islamic terrorist group?


Harris never answered about her support for the late-term dismembering of babies in the womb. Seventh, eighth, and ninth month procedures? That is called infanticide, and obviously, Linsey Davis is not aware of what is happening in Minnesota, home of Harris' running mate. He signed that into law. As well, Tim Walz believes that the government should take away YOUR child if you do not acknowledge their chosen gender.

No one can articulate why they're voting for Kamala Harris, but they can certainly tell you why they are voting against Donald Trump. I find it rather disconcerting that folks would vote against their best interests, safety, security, economic well-being, and quality of life...and for what? I do not recall the levels of chaos and confusion that we have experienced in these past four years in the previous. If the Trump tax cuts are so bad, then why will they be kept for the middle-income levels? If tariffs are so bad, why did the Biden-HARRIS administration keep many of them in place?

I do not need Kamala Harris to give me joy. If my Tennessee Volunteers football team makes it to the college football playoff, doggone, I will be joyous. I want the restoration of our constitutional republic, for which I am voting. What are you voting for?

Steadfast and Loyal.

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