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The UN's Desire to Get Rid of the State of Israel

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

The UN has a three-point program to turn Israel into an international pariah and eventually make it disappear.

When I was a kid, my mother would tell me never to put money into a UNICEF collection box. She said that they don’t give anything to Israel. At the time, I was around six years old, so I did not understand much beyond cookies and baseball cards. But years later, I learned that this “aid” organization, as well as others such as Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders, actively discriminates against Israel in their activities.


The United Nations represents the pinnacle in the failed effort to create transnational governance. The UN is generally associated with scandal, failed missions, bloated budgets, and despicable countries like Iran, Cuba, and Syria sitting on human rights or women’s rights committees. The UN has taken a keen interest in Israel, with more resolutions directed against this country than pretty much all others combined. The UN has a three-point program to get rid of Israel as a nation-state:

1. Inflate the number of Palestinian refugees to overwhelm the number of Jews living in Israel.

2. Provide all forms of support to Palestinian terror groups to help them inflict destruction on Israelis.

3. Rally the countries of the world against the Jewish state.

As I have written previously, the UN, through its criminal UNRWA organization, has performed an extraordinary demographic sleight of hand. Of the millions of refugees who have had to leave their homelands in the past century, only those who actually left were classified as refugees. My grandparents and parents were refugees from Nazi Germany, and the former received some level of restitution from the post-war Federal Republic of Germany. I am not a refugee, and however hard I might try, nobody would accept my trying to be called or treated as one. Not so with the Palestinians. Of the 720,000 Palestinian Arabs who left their homes either due to the encouragement of the approaching Arab armies or under threat from the winning Israelis, there may be 10,000 left alive today. But not according to UNRWA. They count all descendants of those refugees as refugees themselves. So, a Palestinian grandchild born in Beverly Hills is considered a refugee, though he has never physically been to “Palestine” and has no interest in moving there.


The purpose of the UN counting only Palestinian offspring as active refugees is simple: they want to explode the number of people who could potentially either move into Israel in some type of peace agreement or have a larger number of dissatisfied Arabs ready to fight the Jews. There is no other case in history where anyone other than the ones who left a land against their will were classified as refugees. All refugee numbers go down over the years, except for those of the Palestinians. With only 10,000 elderly Palestinian refugees, Israel could safely allow them to settle in some Arab villages in the country. But with the number now at 2 million and growing, any “right of return” would be for Israel a “right of suicide by treaty.” By continually increasing the number of people who can claim rights against Israel, the UN works to undermine any potential agreement that would keep Israel as a  Jewish state. The "good" Palestinian Authority absolutely refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state--to keep the option of flooding it with third-generation "refugees" alive.

The next prong of the UN attack, again run through UNRWA, is to play an active role in supporting Hamas and other terrorists in their killing and maiming of Israelis. Before 10/7, there had been rumors of the UN helping terrorists; after Israel actively entered and conquered Gaza, the proof was overwhelming. Many Hamas terrorists also worked for UNRWA. UNRWA provided money, facilities, equipment, food, and logistics to help Hamas terrorists run Gaza and work their terror against Israel. UNRWA complained this week about a school of theirs bombed by Israel. Israel wasted no time in listing the nine terrorists killed in the action, three of them being active UNRWA employees. Hamas logistics centers were found either in or under UNRWA schools and offices. UNRWA bags and equipment were found where hostages were recovered. UNRWA is the SS branch of the UN behemoth. It is tasked with exploiting Palestinian numbers to weaken Israel and also to help provide support to Palestinian terrorists to kill, wound, and capture Israeli civilians and soldiers.


And finally, the UN works to whip the nation-states of the world against Israel. During the height of the second intifada, the Palestinian observer to the General Assembly introduced a bland resolution asking for the protection of Palestinian children during the conflict. It passed easily. The Israeli ambassador at the time then switched “Palestinian” with “Israeli” to demand the protection of Israeli children. The resolution was overwhelmingly voted down. Countries that receive assistance from Israel routinely join UN votes against the Jewish state. States that have no business with Israel are radicalized to become grossly antisemitic. It would seem that the UN was invented only to attack Israel, as most resolutions condemn any country to condemn Israel. At the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, Israel was not in a hurry to help Ukraine, as the nation had often voted against Israel on important resolutions.

Should Donald Trump be reelected president, I hope that he again cuts off funding to this horrible organization. Israel should kick out not only UNRWA but also any UN bodies from the country. The UN has dedicated itself to uprooting and destroying Jews. No decent country should be a part of this effort in any way.

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