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One Also Needs to Know Who His Enemies Are

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The barbaric bloodlust shown by Hamas terrorists is horrific but not surprising. The reaction of certain groups in the US is indicative and will need a response from those who want a safe and successful United States of America.


Oftentimes, we do not know who are our friends and who are our enemies. It is true for the individual as well as for nation states. Reports abound of a member of John Kerry’s Iran negotiating team being on Iran’s side and not ours. My father told me of his youth in Forchheim, Germany. When he fell while being chased by Hitler Youth, he cut open his hand. A town doctor, in full black SS regalia came to stitch up his hand. He and his parents were mortified. The doctor told him not to worry and that he was forced to dress as he did. He patched my dad up and a friend of my dad who later served in the US Army got the self-same doctor out of jail after the war as he was really not a Nazi. On the other hand, when SA brownshirts detonated the local synagogue and the Bauer family apartment above it, my father remembered the nice German neighbors running up the exposed stairs to steal the family belongings. In the morning, they would say good morning, and at night, they cleaned out the personal property.

The attack on Saturday in the south of Israel is still hard to fathom. More than 1,200 killed, 3,000 wounded and another 100 in captivity, all in just a day. The entire Yom Kippur war 50 years ago had 2,000 Israeli soldiers killed. Every day, new stories of barbaric brutality come out—babies decapitated, people burned alive, and more. At the same time, new stories of heroism come forth. People fought off terrorists and saved family members or strangers. Some lost their lives while saving others, while others lived to tell how they were able to save young and old from near-certain death. Some people have noted that getting a weapon in Israel can be a challenge. One has to show a need and then he/she is allowed 50 bullets after licensing and training. Many army officers keep their side-arms after they finish their service. The towns near Gaza used to have large armories, but the IDF has taken many of the weapons away due to them being stolen or sold off.


If one pictures a Brinks truck flipping over and spitting out millions in cash, how many would refrain from taking as much cash as they could? How many would in the moment say that they will eventually be caught and have to give back the money and possibly go to jail? Muslim terrorists (and not just Islamists, so as to include the more secular as in Fatah) fantasize of murdering Jews in every way imaginable. And here they had several hours to fulfill their fantasies. There definitely was a response, as dozens of police died in the line of duty and the names of nearly 200 soldiers killed have been released. The bodies of 1,500 dead terrorists are in Israel, killed by security forces as well as armed citizens. But in those moments when the terrorists had Jews all to themselves in their homes or in their small towns, we know that they minimally did the following:

Murdered bound civilians;

Raped Jewish women;

Decapitated soldiers and babies;

Burned civilians alive;

Took women, toddlers, and the elderly to Gaza where they were abused by frenzied crowds;

Sent pictures of dead Jews to their relatives or posted them online; and,

Killed over 250 unarmed youth fleeing an outdoor music event.

All of these events have been documented by Hamas terrorists themselves, the IDF, or reporters brought to the south of Israel. As I mentioned, no one is surprised by their behavior; Muslim supremacists have made clear their desire to kill Jews and base it on their understanding of the Koran and Islamic texts. Now, how do we understand those who celebrated the slaughter in Western countries where they lack nothing? Black Lives Matter? Harvard Muslim student organizations? Is there any additional barbaric action not listed above which would have caused those celebrating to call out Hamas and show some sympathy with the slaughtered Jews? Of course not. They’re loving it. And the same is true with their views of Israel. When they talk about “liberating Palestine”, they do not have some vision of two states for two people. They want Israel completely removed from the map. They are not interested in peace; they are interested in the complete destruction of the Jewish state and its inhabitants. The murder and injury of thousands of Jews is music to their ears. That Gaza will be razed, Hamas wiped out, and thousands of Gazans will die is irrelevant for them. We got the Jew? It was worth it. Note that the Nazis never sacrificed or endangered one of their own to kill a Jew. Yes, the current Jew killers are even more evil.


And just as Muslim terrorists must be uprooted and completely destroyed as it is an “us or them” binary situation, so too those who actively cheered the murder of Jewish mothers and children must be sidelined from a functioning civil society. Don’t give money to BLM or attend their events. If you find that someone showed support on social media for the barbaric murder of Jewish civilians, do not offer that person employment. But let’s go further. When people run for office, do they support BLM or other groups that gloated over the burning of a fleeing Jewish family in their car (you can find the horrific video online)? If a politician cannot say without equivocation or “both sides-ism” that the murder of Israeli civilians was a barbaric terror event, then he or she should not receive your money or your vote. People who wish to destroy the Jewish people have no place in civil society. All societies that turned on or threw out their Jews (Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, the Arab states for example) were or are failed states. The terrorists and their state sponsors must be destroyed; their Western armchair supporters must become pariahs with no place in work or social settings. They enjoyed the spilling of Jewish blood? We look forward to their being homeless and unemployable.

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