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Campaign Voices

Democrats Hate Minorities They Can’t Control

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Democrats have a history of feeding off division and identity politics going back more than 150 years. In the Civil War, they fought until their last breath to keep black people enslaved on their plantations. Now, they fight tooth and nail to keep black Americans on their mental plantations with false promises of prosperity and wealth. Unfortunately for them, I am a free-thinking black woman and Republican who knows the truth. And that is exactly why they hate me.


Democrats hate minorities like me who don’t believe their lies. Democrats – like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi – hate when their grip on power crumbles and they can no longer control the narrative. Just take a look at what Biden said in the 2020 election. He made the absurd statement that “you ain’t black” if we considered voting for President Donald Trump over him. Like most Democrats, Biden arrogantly thinks he is owed our votes, and in his mind, it is incomprehensible for black Americans to think for ourselves.

But contrary to what Biden and Democrats think, black Americans are not a monolithic voting bloc. The narrative of prosperity and wealth that Democrats have spouted our entire lives is crumbling before their eyes, and they have nothing else to blame but their own mistakes.

Until China released a pandemic onto the world, the American economy was booming under the leadership of President Trump and Republicans. And even after the pandemic hit the economy, our nation’s economic prospects were on the rise once again by the end of 2020. Yet that changed when Democrats – who claim to be the party of economic prosperity – gained total control of the federal government.

In the past 18 months, the American economy has entered a recession that could have been avoided with competent leadership. But rather than make decisions that benefit Americans, Biden and Democrats caved to a very small number of woke far-left activists.

Since becoming president, Biden has canceled the Keystone Pipeline in a move that costs thousands of Americans their jobs and negatively contributed to the rising oil prices we have seen in the past year. His Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg took an extended paternity leave as soon as we had a supply chain crisis. And Biden just recently signed a bill to add 87,000 more IRS agents to the federal government that will likely target struggling minority families. No wonder the United States recently entered a recession after two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.


As a small business owner who operates a food bank in Miami and has firsthand experience witnessing the destructive effects of Biden’s policies on struggling minorities, I could no longer sit back and watch. I have spent my life fighting for people who deserve more and do their best to provide for their families despite the hardships they face.

That’s why I’m running for Congress and intend to help Republicans fight for the American people when they reclaim the House later this year. I am an outspoken black woman who has broken the Democratic Party’s narrative. And I’m not alone. We are seeing more minorities than ever representing Republicans in races throughout the country. We have Herschel Walker in Georgia, John James in Michigan, and Mayra Flores from Texas already elected to Congress.

With a crumbling economy and growing dictatorial government, minorities of all backgrounds – black, brown, Hispanic, and other proud Americans – are seeing the truth. Democrats never had our best interests in mind. They only cared about obtaining power, and then they used that power to appease a small number of woke activists who never had the interests of the American people in mind from the start.

As we are seeing, Democrats can no longer rely on division and identity politics to win over the votes of black Americans and other minorities. The Democratic Party’s control of our government has only provided us with previously unimaginable hardships, and their lies are now falling on deaf ears. Republicans will retake the House in this year’s midterm elections, and I can guarantee you that minorities are leading the charge of the red tidal wave hitting America’s shore in November. Democrats already hate me, and they’ll soon hate all of us when they realize that they no longer have control.


Lavern Spicer is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida's 24th Congressional District.

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