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Housing Costs Explode Thanks to Biden’s Immigration Policies

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Although President Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge the border crisis he created, millions of Americans are feeling the repercussions of it no matter how many times he downplays it. 


Former President Donald Trump blamed the country’s soaring rent and housing costs on Biden’s immigration policies. As a result, he noted that middle-class Americans are forced to compete with illegal aliens living in the U.S. 

“Housing costs are skyrocketing, absolutely skyrocketing because we have 15 million new migrants. We have no place to put them. We have no place to put them, and that number is growing so that we have absolutely no place,” Trump said. 

The price per square foot has drastically increased by almost 85 percent since 2019.

Living in a country under the Biden Administration has resulted in Americans unable to afford the American dream. 

The 2024 front-runner compared his immigration plans to Biden’s— which this alone should convince every American not to vote for the 81-year-old octogenarian. 

If Joe Biden wins this election, he wants to turn every single illegal alien he let charge across our borders into a voting citizen. By contrast, I want to send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home, where they belong,” Trump said. “Biden wants an invasion — I want a deportation.”


He then threatened to put U.S. tariffs on foreign countries who refuse to take back people who fled their country and is now living in the U.S. illegally. 

“We have tremendous economic power,” Trump said. “We have these things called tariffs.”

Biden’s immigration policies have left the country living in turmoil. The nation’s resources such as jobs and housing have been taken over by illegal aliens while U.S. native born citizens are left in the dust. 

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