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James Carville Exposes Who's to Blame for Biden's Disastrous Immigration Policy

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

James Carville is right about one thing: the woke Left is unhinged. The longtime Democratic Party strategist has been at the forefront of calling out the whacko policies pursued by liberals. He thought Liz Warren’s college debt forgiveness policy spat in the faces of working Americans and those who’ve worked while obtaining their higher education degrees. Generations have worked through college—no one wants to hear this whining. He also thought the ‘woke’ lexicon was too alien for the electorate for the obvious reason: no one speaks like those who banter in the college faculty lounge. It’s not real talk, nor are these people discussing issues that matter.


The Democrats cast their lot with this crowd, and it’s backfiring. You’ll go nowhere when one sect is more obsessed with proper pronoun use than governing. The number of idiots that were elected due to this surge is astonishing, but Carville declared this wing of the Democratic Party dead recently. 

The strategist expounded upon how the progressive Left is a political disaster at every level. Carville blames them for leading Biden to enact an “idiotic” immigration policy, though he later added that the White House is pumping the brakes on their ideas. 

“The White House has a more mature attitude about these people: Humor them, let them come to meetings, then pay no f**king attention at all to them.” 

Carville later cited Pramila Jayapal’s sister getting trounced as a sign that no one ever really liked this ‘woke’ nonsense. 

“Everyone hated this [identity politics]. It wasn't just white males. It was Black people, and Latin people, and females—and no one wanted to live under this tyranny,” said Carville. 


“That's what they were trying to install in the United States is tyranny. And people rejected it. We have won this fight; it's over. We won, you lost, get over it,” he declared. 

I’m not so sure that they’re dead, Mr. Carville. Vocal, yes—and they will remain so, but they’re not dead. It’s a class of voters who refuse to admit defeat or that they’re wrong. They’re still around and annoying as ever.

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