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Here's Which Nevada Senate Candidate Just Received Trump's Endorsement

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday gave his endorsement to retired Army Capt. Sam Brown in Nevada’s Senate race. 

Writing on Truth Social after a day campaigning in Las Vegas, the 45th president called Brown a “fearless American patriot” who’s proven he has the qualities necessary “to take on our Enemies, both foreign and domestic.”


“Sam is now running for U.S. Senate in the Great State of Nevada, primarily because he knows that Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left are A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY,” Trump continued. “Our Country can no longer stand with this Corrupt and Incompetent ‘President’ calling the shots. As your next Senator, Sam will fight tirelessly to secure our Border, end Migrant Crime, stop Inflation, grow our Economy, STRONGLY SUPPORT OUR GREAT MILITARY/VETS, protect our always under siege Second Amendment, and restore PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH…

“…I have gotten to know Sam and his beautiful wife, Amy, a U.S. Army First Lieutenant, and I know in this next chapter of their Life of Service together, they will continue to make us all proud,” he added. “Sam has already proven his Love for our Country, being horrifically wounded, and making the Comeback of a Lifetime. Sam Brown has my Complete and Total Endorsement - HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!”


Brown, who's leading the crowded GOP primary field, thanked the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

The endorsement came just days before the June 11 primary. 

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