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Reuters Poll: Biden's Job Approval Falls to Lowest Level Since...

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

President Joe Biden is mired in the mid-30's on overall job approval, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos national poll, which also found former President Donald Trump leading on most of the key issues tested.  The wire service's write-up of its own survey noted that Biden's approval number "fell to its lowest level in almost two years, tying the lowest reading of his presidency in a warning sign for his reelection effort."  Beyond that top line result, the incumbent also trails in voter preference metrics on three of the four topics measured -- and on two of the top three issues voters ranked in terms of importance, Trump's advantage is in the double digits.

Here's my summary of the data:

The aforementioned Reuters piece is available here.  The poll comes on the heels of some additional numbers pointing in a similarly bleak direction for the Biden campaign:

In this data set, Trump leads Biden by six points head-to-head, and also by six points when leaners are included.  In an expanded field, Trump's edge is nearly identical, at five percentage points.  Biden's struggles in the Harvard/Harris poll are fueled by a distinct disadvantage among independent voters, who side with Trump by 10-12 point margin.  Left-leaning political stats guru Nate Silver, meanwhile, is warning liberals to beware of analyses purporting to show polling momentum for Biden at the moment.  Why?  The race is actually remarkably stable, in a way that doesn't appear beneficial to the incumbent: 

It's that stability, coupled with data from 2020, that led me to examine this question earlier in the week.  Finally, in light of Team Biden's insistence that they don't believe the negative polls, I'll leave you with Senate Democrats in battlegrounds hopping aboard that same train:

If they're actually convinced the polls are wrong and Biden is winning, may I humbly suggest that they put that supposed belief into practice and aggressively, proudly campaign alongside Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in their states over the next five months?  Any takers? Who wouldn't want to clasp hands with this?


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