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It Looks Like There's More Fallout for Adam Schiff Following Last Week's Twitter Files Reveal

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP

Last Tuesday, not just one, but two, batches of the Twitter Files were released. In the second one, "Twitter and the FBI 'Belly Button,'" which has to do with a COVID cover-up, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is referenced further down in the thread based on claims that he asked Twitter to suspend Paul Sperry, of RealClearInvestigations and the New York Post. Though the social media platform initially refused, it did ultimately suspend Sperry.


More has continued to come out in the days since, as Sperry, who is back on Twitter, has spoken out about what was revealed. 

As our friends at Twitchy highlighted, Sperry was tweeting his thoughts hours after the batch of the Twitter Files in question came out.

On Saturday, shortly after Schiff was officially sworn in for the 118th Congress, Sperry also tweeted about the congressman, claiming that he had violated his oath of office. He also called out mainstream media outlets for not sufficiently highlighting a powerful sitting congressman calling for a social media platform to take action against a journalist.


On Tuesday, Sperry tweeted more information, sharing that he was banned a month after Sperry and RealClear editors were told to retract their whistleblower stories, with Sperry and RealClear in response saying to "take a hike."

Some Twitter users suggested in response to such damning revelations that Sperry sue Schiff. It appears he may be moving forward with just that. On Tuesday night, Sperry tweeted out a Fox News article with the headline "Reporter threatens legal action against Adam Schiff after Twitter Files bombshell."

The Fox News article, by Kristine Parks, explains how Sperry spoke to Brian Kilmeade about Schiff and the first impeachment trial against then-President Donald Trump. When it comes to that lawsuit, Sperry says "we are exploring legal options, including defamation."


"So, Schiff didn't like the fact I outed his anonymous whistleblower as a partisan Democrat — he's a holdover from the Obama White House working in the Trump White House. And [Schiff] also didn't like the fact that I exposed the whistleblower's prior relationship with the key member of Schiff's impeachment staff," Sperry had also said, describing himself as "kind of a thorn in Schiff's side," which made the congressman "angry."

The Twitter suspension came without any real reason, and Sperry also mentioned how said the congressman's interference affected his ability to do his job. 

Speaking more about the oath he believes Schiff violated, Sperry pointed out that "my stories went viral on Twitter, and he tried to silence me and remove content, which is outrageous censorship by a powerful government official. He was the head of the House Intelligence [Committee] at the time, and he was sworn to protect the First Amendment and free speech and the press."

Townhall reached out to Rep. Schiff's office multiple times for comment about the congressman being mentioned in the Twitter files, as well as Mr. Sperry's claims, but has not heard back. The congressman has also been silent about this edition of Twitter Files when it comes to his own tweets. 

Schiff did, however, provide a statement to CNN's Oliver Darcy last month with regards to concerns from Elon Musk that the congressman approved of censorship. 


The congressman also responded to Musk via a quoted retweet.

"Schiff" and "Pencil Neck" have been trending on Twitter with regards to Sperry's tweets, and also with regards to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) moving ahead with the promise to remove him from the House Intelligence Committee.

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