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Obama Promotes Planned Parenthood, for his Daughters’ Sake

The President told his supporters earlier this week at a fundraiser that Planned Parenthood should keep getting funding so that his daughters could “control their own health care choices.” Obama enthusiastically promoting Planned Parenthood is nothing new. But the radically pro-abortion President shamelessly including his 11 and 14 year old daughters in his Planned Parenthood pitch is a new low.



“Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood. I think that is a bad idea,” Obama said. “I’ve got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices. We’re not going backwards, we’re going forwards.”


Planned Parenthood, as pointed out in a CNSNews article, is heavily subsidized by both the federal and state governments.


In fiscal year 2010, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) got $487.4 million from the federal and state governments, up from $363.2 million the previous year, making taxpayer funding about one-third of the organization’s $1 billion in assets. According to its fact sheet, Planned Parenthood performed 329,445 abortions in 2010.



And if Obama has his way, the government will continue to prop up Planned Parenthood so that the next generation can follow through on the wrong “health care choice.”


Below is the video of the President’s Planned Parenthood comment.



This post was authored by editorial intern Kyle Bonnell.



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