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Chilling Reenactment Brings Horrors of ISIS Sex Trade to London

Add ‘sex trafficking’ to the growing list of horrific practices carried out by ISIS. The jihadist group has been attacking Christians, Yezidi, Shaback, and Kurdish families, killing the men and using or selling the women and children as sex slaves. At least 7,000 people are believed to be held captive.


ISIS defended the practice Sunday in its online English-language magazine the Dabiq:

One should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar -- the infidels -- and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law.

The horrors of ISIS’ daily practices seem so removed and archaic, that Kurdish activists decided to bring a reality check to the people of London by reenacting a scene one might commonly see in the so-called “Islamic State.”

IJReview spoke with Karam Kruda, who used the megaphone in the video, to find out why they took this demonstration to the streets:

We wanted them to see how ISIS is bringing back practices from centuries ago. In reality, the barbaric nature of their actions and why it so desperately needs to be kept from spreading.

When women are sold like poultry in a bazaar it is inhumane and tear-jerking. Many of the girls managed to call their families on mobile phones whilst in the brothels and said please, please bomb us. When you hear about instances like that, you just want the world to feel it


According to a recent report by the United Nations women and children who refuse to convert to Islam are being given to ISIS fighters to use or are being trafficked as slaves in the markets in Mosul and to Raqqa in Syria 

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