
Shouldn't the DNC Give Brazile the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Treatment?

So, the Democratic National Committee has a pretty terrible track record.

Former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as chair of the DNC earlier this summer after hacked emails found her mocking Bernie Sanders and his campaign, proving she was anything but neutral during the Democratic primary. She faced pressure (and boos) from liberal progressive voters unhappy with the bias against Sanders, and the DNC seemed all to happy to usher her to the exit.

Former CNN anchor and interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile is now found to be guilty of the same thing - only worse. WikiLeaks revealed to us that Brazile had a gig other than political commentator during the primary: She was apparently working part-time on Clinton's prep team. Multiple emails proved she was sending Clinton's staff questions she could expect in a town hall debate with Sanders. CNN noted it was "uncomfortable" with the findings and cut all ties with Brazile. 

Yet, she is still very much a part of the DNC and we're left with this conundrum.

Republican nominee Donald Trump, for one, is wondering why Brazile is still on the payroll.

“She should be fired,” he said. “But more importantly, Hillary Clinton should be fired.”

But, I'd like to give the final word to Susan Sarandon.