
Putin Promises 'Vengeance' on ISIS, Weakest Response Award Officially Goes to POTUS

In perhaps the least surprising turn of events, another world leader is showing more passionate determination to make ISIS answer for its barbarism than President Obama. Countless pundits, many of them liberal, have expressed their disappointment with the president's emotionless, defensive press conference Monday at the G-20 summit. Many Americans hoped he would boldly pledge to go after the terrorists, yet at best he said we were going to stay the course. As in, he is not about to change our failed strategy. When journalists in attendance tried to press him on the issue, he got pretty testy.

Other world leaders have taken a different approach. French President Francois Hollande spoke on behalf of his country after the carnage in Paris this past weekend. He pledged that France will be "tripling its forces" against the terrorists in response to the slaughter. His speech was so powerful that the entire assembly stood and sang their country's national anthem at its conclusion. Similarly, Russian President Vladimir Putin is indicating his country is ready to fight the evil organization. Now that Russian investigators have confirmed that Metrojet flight 9268 was downed by an explosive, Putin is vowing "revenge" on the terrorists who presumably planted the bomb onboard the plane and killed 224 people.

"This will stay with us forever," he said. "It will not stop us from finding and punishing the criminals. We will search for them anywhere they might be hiding."

He continued to say that Russia's aviation team will intensify its combat in Syria and "vengeance is inevitable."

The United States has not been immune to the threat of ISIS. FBI Director James Comey claimed the terror organization is present to some degree in all 50 states. Following the Paris tragedy, they even warned of similar attacks in Washington, D.C.

You'd think our commander-in-chief would show some backbone to stand up to these heinous actions and threats.