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These Illegal Immigrants Can’t Vote, But They’re Making Sure Others Who Can Vote Democratic

In Northern Virginia, illegal immigrants are door knocking. They can’t vote, but they’re making sure others, especially those in the burgeoning Hispanic population who can vote, cast a ballot for Democrats on November 8. Casa In Action is the group spearheading these operations. Based in nearby Maryland, these illegal immigrants are doing this for one reason only: a secure path to citizenship. They’re betting that those odds fade with Donald Trump in the White House, so it’s almost like a fight for survival for them. With Clinton in the lead in Virginia (she’s most likely going to win the state big), they’re now focusing on vulnerable Rep. Barbara Comstock of the 10th congressional district (via WaPo):


The vote-seekers are some of the 750,000 recipients of temporary legal status under the Obama administration’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. They are acutely aware that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pledged to deport the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants and that under a GOP-controlled Congress, past attempts at immigration reform have failed.


The Maryland-based group is behind the Virginia campaign and a similar one in central Pennsylvania. Similar efforts are underway in Arizona and other battleground states. The Clinton campaign launched a separate effort earlier this year, “My Dream, Your Vote,” in which young undocumented immigrants, many of them brought to this country as children, urged Latino voters in North Carolina, Nevada, Florida and elsewhere to cast ballots for the Democratic nominee.


In Virginia, where Clinton is leading by double digits, the group has turned its focus to the suddenly close race in the 10th Congressional District, where Republican incumbent Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) faces an aggressive challenge from Democrat LuAnn Bennett.

CASA is also targeting voters in Prince William County, where more immigrants live and where Trump also has more support.

In the 10th District, which stretches west from McLean, through Loudoun County, toward the West Virginia border, Comstock backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in the state’s GOP primary. She has kept her distance from Trump and, after the revelation of a 2005 recording of the nominee’s remarks about women, she declared that he would not get her vote.

But Trump’s history of controversial remarks about women, Mexican immigrants and Muslims have nonetheless weighed Comstock down among voters in the largely wealthy district that includes steadily growing Latino and Asian immigrant populations. Although the incumbent initially was favored, several political analysts have recently said the race is a toss-up.


The Post did mention that it’s not entirely a successful canvassing operation, as some residents have already voted for Donald Trump, though the urgency and the personal ties the run deep with many this election cycle should worry Republicans. These people are on our side this year—and if there is a feeling that a Trump presidency would entail impending doom to their families and communities, these Latino voters will turn out hardcore at the polls, especially in states with large Hispanic populations (Colorado, Arizona, etc.), which could make a possible Trump loss an even bigger hole for the GOP to climb out of for 2020. Hillary may be old, sick, and a liar, but she has powerful allies, even ones who are here illegally and can’t vote, trying to push her party over the top. It’s unbelievable.

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